Here I am introducing myself. My 12 year old son took ill in may this year. He had haematuria an enlarged spleen, portal hypertension , varacies in the portal vein and one kidney smaller than the other.
As yet I still don't know why this is happening ? His biopsy didn't look like congenital hepatic fibrosis and everything else has come negative for other things. He's not too bad tired and has headaches.
I'm going mad with worry. Still no answers. I know it takes time. Just feel like there is an invisible thing harming my child and feel powerless to do anything about it.
I know I should be positive. He is ! Just don't know what I'm battling against and I'm still in shock. How can your child have this for years and there be no sign.
Anyway that's us. In limbo. Would be interested in speaking to others who problaly know exactly as I feel.