Dear all,
Pls share ur experience with me.!!!
My son is 1yr & 8months old, some times he passes light colour stool, i was scared coz it was an indication of liver disease.
So i channeled my pediatrician and did some tests. I attached all reports with this.
My baby has :
ALK phosphate - 896 u/l & AST: 54.6 u/l
Usually my baby take 600ml of fresh milk daily. Is this a reason for high Alk phosphate level?
My pediatrician said “when bones are developing this ALK phosphate level is high”.
My questions are:———-
1) Is this a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium?
2) Is this high level of Alk phosphate serious?
3) should i go for further tests to diagnose ?
I m worried lot about this. Pls help me to resolve this problem..
Thank u.