My daughter’s numbers keep growing, bilirubin dropped a bit from 26 to 25, very strange, we have paediatric appointment on Tuesday, they are not going to do anything before Monday anyway, called to the hospital and nurse said it can be viral infection ( all the family is a bit unwell at the moment) or growth spurt, which we recently experienced, can also affect liver numbers in some ways. Did anyone experience something similar?
Can viral infection give elevation in... - Children's Liver ...
Can viral infection give elevation in liver enzymes???
When my 12 yr old daughter had slightly elevated liver function results, we were continually told that it was probably down to a viral infection. It started with general fatigue and malaise which was affecting her attendance at school. An examintion by a paediatric consultant raised no concerns, an abdominal scan showed no abnormalities. Her ALT and AST levels were only mildly high. But she was losing weight and had no energy. After a year of these symptoms and being told it was a viral infection or stress or nothing (!) , a locum ordered more blood tests to include testing the presence of antibodies. This finally uncovered Liver Kidney Microsomal antibodies which are indicative of Type 2 Auto Immune Hepatitis. When you see the consultant INSIST on the blood test to include a full screening, including antibodies, to rule out other conditions. Screening for vitamin deficiencies caused by conditions is also very useful. Good luck!
My daughter has Alagille syndrome, so we already know she has liver desease, we had blood tests monthly, then every two months and then they said no need to do it so often because her levels started dropping and we didn’t have anything till 2 weeks ago and blood test showed big elevation in ALT and AST. They usually check for everything, vitamine deficiencies also because she takes vitamins everyday due to her condition. She experienced chest infection about a month and a half ago, then it disappeared and we all are sick now again. Her levers elevated again. She had her liver test showing no abnormalities but again it was about 4 months ago. So I am a bit worried and would like to find out what possibly can it be. Thanks for your answer.