I had to come off statins because of muscle pain, and wondered if others have used fibrates and how effective they were?
How effective is bezafibrate in contro... - Cholesterol Support
How effective is bezafibrate in controlling cholesterol?
i have been on statins for many years wuth muscle pains all over my body i have been to my gp to ask him for a blood test to see if its the statins causng the pains he tells me there isnt a blood test that shows if the statins the problem he tood me to stop the statins but dint offer me any alternative for the colestrol i havnt taken it for the last 5 days and i have seen an improvment in my arms not aching so much he wasnt helpfull at all and now im frightened to take the statin again what do i do hes useless so i think im going to see a specialist
this story completely mirrors my own. I was taking simvastatin for several years before I realised, through this website that the various problems I was having with my health were down to side effects. I asked my doctor if there was an alternative and the answer was no. I took myself off the statins, and within a couple of weeks the muscle pain, stomach cramps and depression disappeared - in order to check that this wasn't al in my mind, I went back on them - and within a few days the side effects returned. I went back to my doctor, who dismissed my claim - adding on my record that "Patient has stopped all medication through personal choice", and implied that I should see another doctor if I wasn't happy. On statins, my cholesterol went down to 4.2 - it is now 7.5 - there is evidence of heart related health probs on my Father's side. I really don't know what to do now. I don't smoke or drink and eat well, so in terms of my personal efforts - I've done everything I can, I think?
It depends on what type of cholesterol you have. I have Type 3 and I was on Bezalip Mono for many years, and am now on Fenofibrate. My cholesterol is down to normal levels now and I also take a daily aspirin. I have never been on statins.
Hi Missrat,
Yes, I have come off statins as well due to muscle problems and bad sleep disturbances. Also I have a family history of muscle disorder. I did try benzalip for a few months, but to be honest it had almost exactly the same side effects. It may not affect you in the same way.Clancypat, it takes a lot of courage to go against established medical opinion (I hate to think what is written about me.....probably thinks she knows better than anybody else).