Here we go again! Why is it that "experts" want us to take drugs to make their lives easier and the pockets of the drug companies fuller?
After reading, twice, the full article I see that they totally disregard any side effects as "minor". Depression, memory loss, sexual disfunction,cataracts and diabetes are "minor"?????????
I know heart attacks and strokes are major, I am not an idiot, but to those people who live on the tightrope of taking statins to keep these at bay and suffering all or some of the above side effects are not leading a happy life. They are existing with two gremlins on their shoulders and I have nothing but admiration to all and any of you in this position.
I have a slightly raised cholesterol level. I have had to change my diet as a consequence of dairy intolerance and a "side effect" of that is that my levels have improved. I don't know why. My GP wasn't remotely interested when I last saw her for my yearly figures. She just wanted me to lose a stone in weight and eat a more vegetarian diet!! I have a BMI of 24 and have no wish to fiddle with my diet that now sees me totally free of IBS and I have, in fact, lost nearly 7lbs without trying!!
Of course, there are those who have a poor diet, who smoke, drink too much and take little or no exercise. But, for years, there have been warnings about all of these things and there will always be those who totally ignore them all!!! Do we, who try to do what we can to keep as well as we can, have to be penalised for the ignorance of the minority by being forced to take a path that we do not really want to go down just because the medical profession can see that this route will be a "catch all" way of solving their problems!!! (And a cheap one at that!)
Ahhh, I feel better for that rant. Excuse me all of you. I know that to many of you taking the statin route has undoubtedly kept you well and I wish you full health. I also wish you all freedom of all side effects too, and a life that is full of joy.
Best wishes to you all