I’m 70 years old, am not overweight, don’t smoke and eat well. My cholesterol went up to 6.5 so GP wanted me to go on statins. I also have high BP. My cholesterol has gone down to 4.5 after just 6 weeks of taking statins. I want to stop taking them, or at least not every day. Anybody done this?
Anyone reduced their statin intake ? - Cholesterol Support
Anyone reduced their statin intake ?

Do as your Doctor tells you. Keep the risk of heart problems as low as possible. Why stop when you are getting the benefit?
there are monographs and articles on this. Every other day reduction or lower doses have been proven effective. But i speak as someone who has terrible side effects . Research it and then ask your MD? Google it. Good luck!
What is the dose? 5mg of Crestor is not a big deal for ex. Did you get a calcium score?
I don't blame you. I didn't want to take statins either. I had to change docs to find one who stopped pressuring me. You shouldn't be rpressured into taking them. I finally found a recommendation from a friend who lost weight and brought his cholesterol down. I was a good 10 lbs over weight which is alot for me . I could never kick it. I took Costco's brand (Kirkland) Psyllium Fiber capsule supplements according to instructions and lost weight and lowered cholesterol that way. It curbed my appetite, especially at night, after 6 pm when it's important not to snack. I lost the weight and lowered cholesterol. My new doctor was thrilled. I am now using this as a basis to build my own discipline and lower the amt of capsules I take. Metamucil makes similar supplements too but I'm sure they're considerably more expensive.
You can also use something called red yeast rice supplements to lower cholesteral. Different kind of product. I tried them first but eventually had bad reaction to them, and pharmacists told me stop right away. Then I went to the psyllium capsules. No problem so far.
Hi Lowtidelover
I was put on statins in 2018 following a stroke. Before long I was suffering from severe and painful diarrhoea several times a day. I tried to live with it at first in the hope that it would go away but it didn’t. Finally I got my doctor to agree that I should at least try a different statin but that didn’t help. Eventually I came off statins altogether and I was OK again within a fortnight. Later I was persuaded to try yet another one and the diarrhoea was back within an hour of the first dose. I’m now taking plant sterol tablets daily and would you believe - no more stroke problems. I buy the plant sterols from healthspan.com. Their service is excellent.
I lowered mine naturally by Healthy Eating and Exercise. I Will Not Take A Statin Medication Because Of The Side Effects. Just tell your Doctor you don't want to take them any longer and Exercise and eat foods that will help lower it as it can be done naturallyPeggy
Tried all different statins, found my posture contracted, energy dropped and sat down too much. After years of limited compliance, I went full compliance on 5mg crestor and became unable to learn. Stopped.. switched to Repatha that took LDL straight to 55. Started using cgm. Changed diet to avocado, walnuts berries, Greek plain nonfat yogurt and hemp hearts. Added niacin, berberine. Noticed the repatha elevated blood glucose 10-15 points, though I changed a lot of things. Been learning from Dr Lustig on YouTube about sugar and diet, and how it affects metabolism ( have metabolic syndrome gut). Now interested in remnant cholesterol and tg/HDL ratio, and hope to see recognition of components of LDL ( large -buoyant + remnant) forms. Wake up health care industry. Sugar is poison, but it inflates pharma pocketses.
Why does insurance interests shy away from opportunities to save tons of money? Treatments like Trodusquemine ( check wiki page) and cyclodextrin seem no brainers to reverse metabolic syndrome and Atherosclerosis respectively. Why are these not options?? Because they don't generate revenue??? Because they fix the issue rather than hiding it?
Yes, I came off stains last year, having tried artovistatin and simvastatin. The worst side effect I had was severe ear pressure and thougĥt I was going deaf. I am getting by now with plant sterols and not getting overweight