Hi, I am new, need help. I have been on a statin drug for a long time and always had pain in lower legs. Now the pain is so bad I can’t walk and legs freeze. Well, dr always said it was from sugar as I am diabetic. Last night had a gut feeling it was the statin so not taking them. Calling dr in morning and getting appointment. Has anyone have problems with lower legs?
Statin drug: Hi, I am new, need help. I... - Cholesterol Support
Statin drug

Hi there. Ive taken 80mg a day for 2.5 years now. Since my MI Ive taken up walking- 8km a day. I have had persistent pain in lower left leg... Its like my achillies tendon wont repair. I suspect statin... But Dr says too risky to stop. A dillema!!
Hi Vito
I was on statins for approximately 10 ten years.
I started having problems (weakness) with my shoulders and arms after eight years. I have had back pain for many years which I have managed so the station pain may have set in earlier with me just ignoring it.
Went to General Practitioner then multiple specialists, neurologist neuro surgeon, orthopedic surgeon. All said nothing was wrong.
During this period I got progressively worse with pain in legs knees etc even when not walking. Eventually I could barely walk. By this time I cramps and tingling all around the body.
Saw a rheumatologist who said nothing was wrong and they were just physical issues to be addressed through a podiatrist, shoulder surgery and carpel tunnel operations. Two Podiatrists had a look and said nothing there. Has a steroid injection for shoulder no real effect, plus carpel tunnel operations.
I went to a general physician who did every test you could and found nothing. He did not rule out that the statin was the cause though he could not prove it.
I went off statin (Crestor) a nd started to feel a bit better in approx six weeks. I had been feeling slightly nauseous in the morning before going off them. This disappeared as soon as I stopped.
I am fourteen months since being off statins. Recovery has been up and down as I was so weak by the time I stopped. There are days now when I have very limited pain although if I exercise to much it comes and it takes weeks to recover.
No doctor will give you anything definitive. In the end I felt if the choice was between not being able to walk now and a heart attack possibly some time in the future I would take the heart attack. The good doctors and I saw a couple will tell you that they don't know what they don't know and that this type of thing is not that uncommon
I would go off the statin and just see how you feel in two to three months.
If there is no change go back on them.
Recovery may be painfully slow with set backs
In these forums people suggest taking cq10 and multi vita tablets. I have only recently started taking these and have noticed any difference yet.
Things that have worked for me have been
1 Chinese Medicine (cupping). This detoxed the body. It took about eight months but it really got me going. You need a good Chinese doctor (there are a lot of pretenders)
2 A physio that can give you an exercise program. I have one who knows a fair bit about Chronic Fatigue who has been a great help
3 I have also found a pain management psychologist a great benefit. You get consumed with the pain and your brain fuses into it. She has got me meditating with mindfulness. Sounds like a silly self help thing but it appears well proven. Its too to explain hear but I recommend it
I went of Statins for 3 weeks after pain in upper arms , told doctors what I had done they changed my statin pain gone .
I would go off the statin ASAP! It causes all kinds of havoc in the body. It will take time to recover, but chances are you’ll feel better fairly soon. I took a statin (Crestor) for almost 6 months and also started suffering from bad leg pains. It took another 6 months (and Ubiquinol) for these pains to go away altogether.

Welcome to our forum.
I had triple bypass surgery March 2015 followed by 2 angioplasty procedures that inserted 4 stents in my coronary arteries. I was put on 30 mg of Crestor, in addition to several other drugs that included metoprolol (beta blocker), clopidogrel (anti-platelet aggregation), ramipril (blood pressure), and 80 mg daily of baby aspirin.
Due to unbearable left shoulder pain, that peaked by December 2015, I changed my diet and lifestyle and began weaning off of Crestor as I had learned from research of the deleterious side-effects of statins.
I changed my lifestyle by going to the gym daily, and moving to a pesco-vegetarian diet.
By October 2016 I not only weaned myself off of Crestor, but from all of the remaining drugs as well, except for the baby aspirin.
I also dropped 40 lbs and achieved my natural body weight. Over the last year I have gradually reintroduced small portions of animal protein and eggs - always, organic or grass-fed and pasture-raised.
My blood pressure has been normal since October 2016, as have the rest of my biomarkers have been optimal since then as well.
You need to measure your LDL-P (particle number) by getting an NMR Lipoprofile blood test, as well as your uric acid, ALT, fibrinogen and homocysteine levels.
Last month a new study was published indicating that there is no net benefit to baby aspirin therapy, so I stopped taking it as well.
When you are given a statin, your doctor is addressing the symptoms of your disease, not the cause. Elevated cholesterol and more specifically, elevated LDL particle number (not volume) is caused by the body's response to an inflammatory condition.
What you want to do is 'put out the fire' by knocking out the arsonist, instead of bringing just the fire trucks.
Cholesterol is used by the body to repair cell damage, not just in your arteries but all over your body. Your liver produces 75% of your cholesterol, so dietary cholesterol is of little concern.
If you want to help yourself - then you must make major modifications to your diet and lifestyle.
You must eliminate all sugars, processed foods, and simple carbohydrates from your diet if you expect to be healthy, otherwise you will suffer the health consequences of our modern Western diet.
I am on the Mediterranean Diet - which is a whole-foods, plant-based diet, with only small portions of grass-fed, organically-produced, animal protein consumed a few days per week. Legumes are the major component of the Mediterranean Diet. In addition, consuming healthy fats from nuts, seeds, avocado, olives and olive oil are also an integral part of the diet.
The body line is that your paradigm must change from seeking pharmaceutical solutions to dietary and lifestyle solutions, along with vitamin supplements.
The other cellular repair tool the body uses is collagen, but to synthesize collagen, you need large amounts of vitamin C. Click on the link below for the most bioavailable form of vitamin C:
Watch these 2 videos:
Good luck.