First of all I think this forum is great and I've learnt a lot from many people posting on here. I do however get lost with all the mixed advice given and I know most will say that I should speak to a GP/cardioligist etc but I would like to learn from people going through similar experiences. I am now 38 and my GP informed me 4 years back that my LDL (Bad) cholestorel is 9.2 and subscribed me to Statins and encouraged me to improve my diet immediately. I did that and found the statins introduced me to muscular pains I had never felt before, though managed to reduce my LDL cholestorel to 5.6. There was no way I could keep taking those statins, so I came off them and whilst I had a good diet I became complacent with food, though I have maintained good levels of excercise.
Just recently I got my bloods checked and I've been told my LDL is now 8.6 and due to my family history my doc has pretty much said I have no choice but to take statins. Just last week my mums younger brother now aged 52 has had a quadruple bypass as he also suffers with very high cholestorel.
Should I just accept the inevitable and live my life, or can I genuinly change the outcome of my future? Any help/support would be much appreciated. Thanks.