Since installation of cardiac stents, I'm on aspirin, plavix and rosuvas. Having constipation and bloating mostly and laxatives are hardly working. Is this a common symptom and if so what remedy? I had IBS once and have some constipation always.
IBS and bloating since stent installation - Cholesterol Support
IBS and bloating since stent installation

I have 4 stents and used to be on the same meds as you. I did not experience what you are experiencing. It is likely a function of your diet. To avoid constipation you need to increase your intake of fiber. Foods high in fiber are beans, lentils, and chick peas. Every night before bedtime, I have 1/3 of a cup of Post 100% All-Bran cereal with just enough almond milk to cover the cereal and add 4 oz of fresh blueberries. You can use regular milk although almond milk (all-natural unsweetened) is easier on your digestive tract.
I also eat a healthy portion of arugula or baby spinach salad daily, using an extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Broccoli steamed and then drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and a bit of salt is also good for you.
Gut health is very important so I also have 1/4 to 1/2 cup of plain 2% fat Greek yogurt, daily. An apple per day also helps.
You should avoid all sugars, and simple carbohydrate foods (anything white), and be careful with salt intake. You can have salt just don't over do it.
Red meat should be reduced to once every 2 weeks, this includes pork and lamb. Have grilled or baked fish for 2-3 meals per week. Avoid all fried foods. Focus on eating more vegetables daily. Avoid packaged foods that come in boxes.
Good luck.
SOS..... Thanks. When did you get stented? Is there any non-invasive tests I can do periodically to assess functioning of my stents/ heart?
I had my stents put in April and May of 2015. Once they're in, there's nothing you can do about them, they can never be removed, so you have to focus on modifying your diet and lifestyle to provide optimal conditions for your cardiovascular system.
Heart attacks are not random events that can strike anybody at any time. Heart attacks and strokes are caused by blood clots and weakened plaque coverings become loose and detaching.
Proper nutrition, exercise and supplementation will minimize and possibly eliminate the risk of a heart attack and stroke.
The non-invasive blood tests (using only one blood draw) to monitor are:
Fibrinogen - blood platelet stickiness - Taking B6, B9 (folate/folic acid) and B12 together along with turmeric, will reduce your levels. Ideal level is <2.35 g/l.
Homocysteine - "Blood levels of homocysteine tend to be highest in people who eat a lot of animal protein and consume few fruits and leafy vegetables, which provide the folic acid and other B vitamins that help the body rid itself of homocysteine." Ideal levels are below 7.0 umol/l; 7-8 umol/l is acceptable.
MPO - Myeloperoxidase - show degree of inflammation in your arteries - ideal level is <470 pmol/l.
CRP - general inflammation in the body, should be below 1.0
Lp-pla2 - PLAC test - indicator of unstable plaque in your arterial walls - this shows the risk of a heart attack in the near term.
Here in Canada only the CRP, B12 and fibrinogen tests are covered by the government health insurance, the rest are user-pay.
A device called an Angiodefender can be used to measure your FMD percent score (Flow Mediated Dilation). It measures the health of your endothelium, the inner lining of your arteries. It uses a blood pressure cuff connected to a computer. An FMD percentage score of 9% or greater is optimal. $100 here in Canada for that test.
click on this link for info on how to get it done in the U.K.
Good luck and you can message me privately if you want any more details.
Once you have metal or plastic stent you need medication for blood flow. you can achieve some of the goals with out medication.
Enjoy one life!, watch out for what you eat and drink.
The other day in UYK a regular runner, only had a door key while running and had a heart attack.!!!. The 999 crew had a problem to notify the relatives.There was a problem to identify this person, the social media helped to resolve the identification problem.
A heart attack can happen at any where to any one at any time !!!!