Does Triphala impair heart medicines? - Cholesterol Support

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Does Triphala impair heart medicines?

Adityac profile image
4 Replies

I have two stents installed in my heart. On rosuvas, ecosprin and plaviz. Since duphalac etc does not suit me, I am taking a Triphala based laxative, daily dosage contains about 1 gram of Triphala. I have heard this herb hampers functioning of the cardiac medicines? True?

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4 Replies
sos007 profile image

I've had a triple bypass and have 5 stents.

Rosuvastatin is a statin medication which lowers cholesterol. Ecosprin is aspirin used as a mild blood thinner and 'plavix', not 'plaviz' is an anti-coagulant which is generally used for only 1 year after stent insertion to ensure you don't form a blood clot. Plavix reduces protein in the blood, whereas aspirin acts on the blood platelets.

None of the medications you are on are 'heart medications'.

Triphala may have interaction with the anti-coagulant process in Plavix.

Read this website's information carefully especially section 10:

Instead of triphala, consider increasing your consumption of foods that contain fiber such as beans. chick peas, lentils, and green leafy vegetables. You may also consider eating Post 100% All Bran cereal, daily, to eliminate your constipation.

Exercise also helps with constipation as does drinking plenty of water.

Avoid these foods in the meantime:

Good luck.

Adityac profile image
Adityac in reply to sos007

Thanks. When did you have your last stenting done? Are stents liable to re-blocking?

Adityac profile image
Adityac in reply to Adityac

Are you on vegan diet?

sos007 profile image

Triple bypass was March 2015, stenting was done April and May 2015 due to failure of bypass grafts. Graft failure rate is 25 to 50% within 10 years of surgery, source:

Yes, stents ARE liable to re-blocking as are any of your arteries.

The best advice I was given was by my cardiologist immediately following the surgery. He said "don't think because you've had bypass surgery that your disease is gone, all we've done is bought you time to change your diet and lifestyle. If you don't change, then you'll be back in here for another bypass in 10-15 years".

I took his advice and permanently changed by diet and lifestyle. I lost 40 lbs and exercise daily.

As my health improved, I gradually began weaning from all of my medications starting in January 2016. In October 2016, I took my last dose of all prescription medications which had included blood pressure medication 'ramipril', heart-rate and blood pressure medication 'metoprolol' which is a beta-blocker; clopidogrel (plavix), and rosuvastatin (I was on 30 mg). I still take an 81 mg tablet of aspirin daily.

I check my blood work every 3 months as an accountability measure to maintain my diet and exercise regimen. That said, I've been doing this for so long now that it has become habitual but I still look forward to my quarterly blood test to evaluate my successes in achieving optimal bio-metric targets.

If you want to see the details of my journey click on this link where I have made posts as recovered from the surgery:

In addition to my healthy diet and lifestyle I have discovered the benefits of various vitamins, none more important than high-dose Vitamin C. Here's what I take daily:

B3 (Niacin - 600 mg)

B6 - 50 mg

B9 (Folic Acid a.k.a Folate) - 1mg

B12 - 1,200 mcg

C - 4 x 1,000 mg/day for a total of 4,000 mg daily (I'm working my way up to 6,000/day)

D - 2,000 IUs

E - 400 IUs (this may interact with clopidogrel - be careful)

CoQ10 - 120 mg in the morning and 250 mg in the evening

Omega 3 Fish Oil - 1000 mg containing EPA 515 mg and DHA 385 mg;

Curcumin (Turmeric) 2 x 450 mg tablets daily (may also interact with clopidogrel)

Lysine - 4 x 1,000 mg/day. Dosage must be the same as Vitamin C - they act together to form collagen which is vital in repairing all tissues in the body including the damage in your endothelium (plaques). Together they also reduce LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and reduce the Lp(a) which is the principle agent for atherosclerosis.

How do I know? I tried the Vitamin C and Lysine combination prior to my last blood test and saw the evidence - non-HDL (all atherogenic components of cholesterol) declined by 17% on 3,000 mg/day of each. This is why I'm increasing the dosage.

Linus Pauling

recommended 6,000 mg per day for those with evidence of cardiovascular disease.

The details of my last blood work can be found among my most recent posts.

You can message me privately if you want more information.

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