Ive just found out my colestrol is 7.5 i want to know if anyone knows what i can eat and not eat now
7.5 colestrol: Ive just found out my... - Cholesterol Support
7.5 colestrol

Hi, I was told last week mine is 7.6. My GP said look at links to the Mediterranean diet on the British heart foundation website. I already cut right down on sugar and white carbs two years ago before I knew about my cholesterol but at the same time had increased my fat. What I'm aiming to do now is keep my carbs where they are but reduce my saturated fat, especially butter which I have been eating a lot of, and increase the non saturated fats with things like salmon, other oily fish, olive oil, nuts and avocados. Also make a bigger effort to lose some of the extra 2 stone I've been carrying around for many years. Re- test is in September. Would be interested to know if others who have reduced their cholesterol think this is a good plan 😀
I lost three stones in weight with weight watchers cholestral stayed the same
I would recommend that you read my post to shareen1 just posted. You may find it useful. Certainly read the web article about saturated fats which are essential. Tibbly
Hi Tibblington I am struggling a bit with this because I already increased my saturated fats when we learned how bad the science was that all that low fat advice of the last few decades was based on, .. but my cholesterol has risen since I've increased it which is not what I was expecting. At the same time I reduced a lot of sugar but weight stayed around the same.
The GP said "it's likely there's a genetic component" I don't know if he means FH or if that can be tested for. My Dad developed angina and died of a heart attack at age 76, but he was a very fit man cycled 10 miles to work well into his 60s never smoked never overweight . But ill never know if he had high cholesterol, don't know if he ever had it tested.
So I am rather torn on the saturated fat issue, I don't know whether the cholesterol has risen because I increased it or if it's just coincidence.
I'm certainly not eating low fat, but I don't think it will hurt to miss out the butter as I tend to eat copious quantities which doesn't help with the weight loss anyway!
Cholesterol often rises if there is an injury somewhere. There are many doctors now who say that all this cholesterol/sats fats connection is false. This could be due to blood vessel damage by excess sugar or similar. Have a read of the article by a heart surgeon who explains the principle so well. Go to: healthscams.org.uk/heart-su...
You say that you level has risen but you don't say from what and by how much. The body will always make what it needs so I would strongly suggest that you examin your diet closely. You Dad appeared to be a fit man but without knowing precisely what he ate one can't really comment. The trouble is that the marketing men in the pharmaceutical industry have done their job well by instilling fear.
I hope I've helped a bit if only providing a few pointers. Tibbly
Hi, yes it does help, trying to unravel the cause! The cholesterol rose to 7.6 last week from 5.7 in October 2015. I've cut out a lot of sugar since Christmas but the six months before that wasn't great (lots of stress eating at work) I really want to avoid statins so trying to figure out the best way to do this over the next six months before the re test. Thanks for your pointers 😀
Eating at work can be difficult, you can easily end up snacking or even worse, industrial white bread sandwiches. Could you take a lunch box with wholemeal bread and some other goodies? I used to have a couple of slices of home made wholemeal bread pre-buttered, with some salad and some fruit. You need a little rest time too no matter how important your job is. Tibbly
Hi Tibbly, I work for the NHS, last year I had to cover a management role as well as my full patient caseload, but things have been a lot better since November management is only about 20% now. I still work more hours than I'm paid as a lot of NHS staff do but at least I can do my work at my kitchen table while something healthy cooks, better than being stuck at the office ! I'm getting better at being prepared, take a cool bag in the car so I can eat wherever. Thanks 😀
There's a lot of information here - it may not give you the answer as some of it contradicts but it will make you think... statincrap.blogspot.co.uk/s...
What was the reason for cholesterol test? A GP should be able look at the three blood test numbers, BG,BP and cholesterol to offer advice.
Food and drinks intake control and regular exercise acing HELP.
Butter, full cream milk, cream, olive oil, avocado, nuts and coconut oil can also help.
Many people have their views on the list of food above!!!
Ratios are here: statincrap.blogspot.co.uk/s...
Hi Shareen,
My Cholestrol was high. At 6.9. I changed my diet and made time to walk. As an exercise.
At least an hour per day.
I now eat porridge with fruit ever morning and keep to chicken, Turkey and Fish as my main source of Protein. Together with loads of veg and fruit.
Keep away from Red meat such as beef, steak and Lamb.
Hope this helps. My cholestrol is now down to 4.8. and I feel a lot fitter.
Good Luck
The first thing I'd say is that perhaps 7.5 is your normal ideal level, it can be dangerous to reduce the level. Neither your doctor nor anyone else knows what you cholesterol level ought to be; cholesterol is an important component of the blood acting as a repair mechanism on the site of any injury. Rather than go into a long description I would recommend that you read what a heart surgeon says when he admits to having been wrong over 25 years. Go to: healthscams.org.uk/heart-su....
There is also an article about Statins, which you should try to avoid; you can read about them at: healthscams.org.uk/are-stat... And finally not wishing to give you indigestion on the subject if anyone suggest that you lower your saturated fat intake have a look at: healthscams.org.uk/saturate...
You should watch your intake of sugar not from fruit but in cakes etc. and try to eat basic foods as near as they come from the ground. That means plenty of fruit and vegetables and real wholemeal bread, possibly home made, avoiding all white flour products.
If you understand a condition you will know how to treat it without recourse to a doctor.
Best of luck. Tibbly
There's a lot of statin info here: statincrap.blogspot.co.uk/s...

It depends on your genetic make-up. For most people, a plant-based diet that is also low in sugar and simple carbohydrates, will work best. You can have animal proteins in moderation - no more than 3 oz. at a time and ideally every other day. Focus on legumes such as chick peas, lentils and beans.
Liquid calories are too easy to consume and causes weight gain for most people, so avoid all soft-drinks, fruit juices (whole fruits are okay), and limit alcohol to no more than one drink per day, ideally, red wine.
Anything that comes in a box or a bag in a grocery store likely has hidden sugars and/or too much salt/sodium. Eat fresh foods instead.
However without exercise, the diet will have its limitations. You must elevate your heart-rate with a brisk walk 30 minutes per day.
Read all of my posts here:
Exercise is important statincrap.blogspot.co.uk/s...