Pain from extreme statin use! - Cholesterol Support

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Pain from extreme statin use!

Saparito33doreen profile image

Need advice to alleviate extreme muscle pain and weakness unbearable from years on statins, have stopped taking ťhem. But need pain relief and help to be able to move like I was.

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Saparito33doreen profile image
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21 Replies

I could be excommunicated for even suggesting this but have you tried serrapeptase, it is an enzyme, can be bought over the counter and is very good for inflammation, pain relief and has cholesterol lowering properties.

CatPiggott profile image
CatPiggott in reply to

I, too, use Serrapeptase, I use it for blockage of carotid arteries. I want aware it could help with pain?

Anyway, to the original post, I buy mine from Seventh Wave.


Ronzol profile image
Ronzol in reply to

Good news, that's why we use the computer. Will try this next along with epsom salts soaking in the tub. Thanks.

Mascha1900 profile image

Well, I also still have some muscle pain and weakness in my legs 1.5 months after stopping statins (Crestor) which I took for nearly 6 months. Anyway, the advice I got on this forum but also in other places was to use fairly high doses of ubiquinol / CoQ10. Please note that there is ubiquinol and ubiquinone - ubiquinol is the concentrated form which gets taken up by the body more easily, especially if you're older. It is also fairly expensive, I have found.... Anyway, the recommendation seems to be that you start out with 100 mg in the morning with breakfast and 100 in the afternoon with lunch. If that seems to have no effect you can increase this to 200 - 200 etc. up to a maximum of 600 mg a day. Apart from this I am taking vitamin D3, magnesium powder and fish oil (Omega 3). Don't really believe much in vitamins normally, but in this case I feel that i need to 'detox' after months on statins.. Anyway, hope this helps, good luck!

kasibarndoor profile image
kasibarndoor in reply to Mascha1900

I must have read it somewhere but K2 is good with D3 after statins I did a course of both

Mascha1900 profile image
Mascha1900 in reply to kasibarndoor

Thanks for the advice! I'm not sure if the drugstore here has it, but I should be able to find it somewhere - will give it a try.

sandylo profile image

I have only been on them a month and the bottom of my legs knee down are terrible especially when I'm in bed or sitting down in on artavastatin

sandylo profile image
sandylo in reply to sandylo

I too have only been on this drug for three and a half weeks and knees down the same especially in bed and as I'm sitting here now they are still hurting I have my next blood test in eight days and I'm going to see about stopping them as I already have arthralgia with letrozole i take for breast cancer which I had just over six years ago and got to stay on these for the foreseeable future at least another five years

Kwanjang profile image

I had the same problem. Simvastatin and then Atorva statin.

Had severe pain in my elbows/forearms. Plus felt tired and my running got worse ( I have been running regularly since my 4x CABG).

I now take red yeast rice, plant sterols (in tablets and yogurts) and garlic tablets. Also I make sure to eat oily fish twice weekly and eat a few walnuts every night. I have porridge or beta glucan cereal for breakfast most days.

Cholesterol is lower than when on 40mg Atorvastatin and running improved dramatically. Pain gone altogether. Docto and cardiologist say to keep doing what I'm doing as it's working.

ashleyout profile image
ashleyout in reply to Kwanjang

Beware with the red yeast rice, I took it for two years in tablet form (Armolipid Plus) and in the final six months I had a lot of pain in the lower back, had no strength at all in my legs, energy level so low I struggled to get up in the mornings and also had cloudy urine, which I later discovered to be the pills attacking my kidneys. All symtoms went about a week after I stopped taking the Armolipid and Im now on atorvastatin for three months, hoping to stop taking them completely next month.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to ashleyout

Consult a specialist before and supplement medication decision.

Ronzol profile image
Ronzol in reply to Kwanjang

You have confirmed what a friend of mine told me regarding red yeast rice,garlic and oily fish. She goes only to a holistic doctor who recommends only natural remedies, and she is a very healthy person.

clajac profile image

Consult your doctor, but I was unable to tolerate statins and he put me on a high dose of niacin. It brought my Cholesterol down very well. I use the Slo-Niacin. There is occasionally a flush associated with it, but I've been able to tolerate it okay.

ashleyout profile image

Im off again to see him next week, fingers crossed...

sos007 profile image

Have you considered a 'low inflammation diet'?

Low grade inflammation in the body can be responsible for a lot of medical issues including arthritis and other pain. When you get your blood tests, add the CRP test which measures your levels of inflammation.

To lower inflammation, you must gradually reduce your consumption of sugar in all of its forms. This involves white sugar, honey, agave and all other sweeteners regardless of whether or not they are natural. Simple carbohydrates are converted by your body into sugar so you have to avoid white rice, white pasta, white bread and other white flour products, and white potatoes. You can replace some of these with brown rice, whole grain bread, sweet potato, or simply reduce their consumption altogether and replace with vegetables.

My diet is high in lentils, chick peas and beans (all high in fiber) as well as cold-water fish like salmon (just twice weekly for the fish). I eat an arugula or spinach salad once per day, and ensure i get lots of antioxidants by eating one apple, one orange, and a bowl of blueberries daily. Nuts and nut butters are also a big part of my daily diet.

Also remember that it is very easy to drink sugars in the form of soft drinks, fruit juices and alcohol. Other than water, I drink one glass of red wine with dinner several nights per week, but I avoid soft-drinks completely, and will only have 2 oz of tart cherry or pomegranate juice diluted with 6 oz of sparkling water when I do have juice.

Good luck.

pryor147 profile image
pryor147 in reply to sos007

Thanks actually i dont consume any white products at all no soft drinks. I have just started EAT TO LIVE PLAN from Joel fuhrman, not a huge change for me basically swapping meat and fish for Tofu, greens and seeds. It will take a while but check this space in six weeks.

sandybrown profile image

I had a look at serrapeptase:

This is something new to me very interesting reading, I was looking for side effect.

CatPiggott profile image

No, not yet.

sos007 profile image

Take tylenol or advil or some other over the counter medicine. You need to be cautious about strong pain killers as they usually contain addictive narcotics which introduce new health problems.

What you can do to help yourself is to start stretching and the do targeted exercises for the affected areas. See if you can go to a fitness place that can offer help.

The exercises should be done daily to gradually improve your range of motion.

If you only stopped the statins recently it may take weeks before the pain dissipates so be patient. However you should be under the care of a physician.

Follow the Pritikin Diet

in order to reduce your cholesterol levels without statins. Start cutting out sugar from your diet - no soft drinks at all, no fruit juices except diluted tart cherry or blueberry juice. 1 part juice to 4 parts water. Pomegranate juice is also good.

Don't eat packaged products that come in a box they contain sugars and unhealthy oils. Stick to fresh food. Avoid simple carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, white potatoes, white pizza dough etc...Beans, lentils and chickpeas are also excellent for their fiber content which helps reduce cholesterol. One apple and orange per day should be consumed which also contain fiber. Having a half to full cup of blueberries daily will reduce cholesterol. Metamucil after your dinner will increase your fiber and remove cholesterol.

Arugula (rockets) salad or spinach salad daily will help with cholesterol too. Use only olive oil and balsamic vinegar as dressing, no creamy dressings.

Cardiovascular exercise is also critical to lowering cholesterol as well - a 30 minute daily brisk walk is the minimum required. If you can't walk outside, go to a community centre and use a treadmill.

Read all of my posts starting with: 'Getting off statins'

Good luck.

pryor147 profile image
pryor147 in reply to sos007

will do, just modifying our shopping list to start new diet regime EAT TO LIVE plan.

Lots of Greens and fruit.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to pryor147

Greens, There are Asian greens which are good and also Asian spice, you can use it for all three meals. Then there is oil, like olive oil, coconut oil.

Sweet potato, you can but three different type in UK, supermarket one, Asian shop one and Chinese shop one. Roast them or boil them with skin on very good.

Irish Soda bread available in many super market. Spread coconut oil or dip in olive oil, very good.

At the moment I am following a free learn course, because of my questions and comments there are a few followers. An example of UK eat well plate. This is not what I will go for.!!!!

For breakfast , porridge, with cinnamon, turmeric powder and honey excellent. Not too expensive.

Lunch soda bread with olive oil!

dinner, grilled chicken or fish with sweet potato and lots of greens.

Fruits, Avocado, berries and may be an orange.

When I went on my life style change it was very difficult, it took time, now I can say I am over eating. then I miss a meal.

Food, 1/3, water 1/3 and 1/3 empty will take you to good health. This is very difficult.

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