I`m concerned about my cholesterol levels (6.8 at the last blood test) & I`m thinking of taking niacin because Iv`e tried everything else including statins, which made me so tired & achy that I couldn`t function properly while taking them. I`m wondering if anyone else has tried them, & how did they get on with them?
Niacin: I`m concerned about my... - Cholesterol Support

make sure you take the right type of niacin B3 and a high dosiage as well it will give you a hot flush not very nice but it will go start of with low dosiage and increase it over time it works for me and my family and will sort your Lpa out no statin meds can do that its a big shame more people dont use it if you can get the niacin book by Dr abram Hoffer it will open your eyes good luck god bless
Hi, does it raise your sugar. how much do you take and where do you buy it from. Can it lower blood pressure as well. thanks.
Yes i have been on Niacin for the past 12 months my CH was up to 6.8 & it came down fast like in a month. You can get it from Bodybuilding.com it much cheaper 1/2 the price of health shops good Luck Blessings Paul
Great stuff i started on 500mg & went up to 2,000.00mg & that worked for me. watch out for the postage on Amazon they tend to be expensive, Just of the top of my head they are $8.00 on BBC & the postage is around $3.00 & you can get 2 bottles for the same postage.
Please explain and offer evidence in (your body and relive you from problems "what problems").
Goggled Artic sea Omega3 , side effects?
Hi Bala The side affects of statins for me was wasted leg mussel achs tiedness joint pain & low energy. Now i have been on Niacin for 12 months my CH is down from 6.8 to 2.3 I work out in the gym4 days a week & have just started arobics . I had a triple bypass 9 years ago & now at 66 life is Great. Blessings Paul
Thank you for your response. If your cholesterol is 2.3, "Is this number enough for your body to function as recommended level is 4 ?"
four days in the gym and aerobics sound good, do you get pain in your body after your work out? I will be 69 in December.
I go to the gym every day, 30 minutes on the tread mill!.
My legs have pain, I can live with this.
If my GP wants me to reduce my cholesterol, I can try Niacin first to see how it works for me.
If you are still on Statins i would say that was what is causing the pain in your legs. Your body gets used to the exercise that you are doing & it may be sore for the first few days but after that you should be fine. i was on statins for 14 years when i work my legs they get sore at first i use L-Glutamine before meals & after workouts this helps your mussels take up Nutrients & stop the soreness. Keep up the exercise it is the only way to combat the side affects of medication. Have a great weekend.
You made the right decision. Niacin (Nicoinic acid) 500 mg I+I+I. Don't bother if you fee l burning on the skin as it also a visodilator
I get 100mg capsules from ebay.