An article in the Times of India under health & fitness - diet published 19 Feb 2015 which I found of interest as it gives 25 healthy foods to lower cholesterol. Includes lemons which contain limonoids that reduce the production of apo B - a substance associated with higher cholesterol levels. Has anyone tried using lemons on a daily basis?
Diet: An article in the Times of India... - Cholesterol Support

Absolutely beats me just how somehow, somewhere, someone has found the magic bullet wrapped up in a lemon skin that will save the world when it was staring us in the face at Morrisons.
Maybe I've got it wrong and there is South American indigenous tribe somewhere cultivating lemons, is their staple and they live to 115.
I'd suggest we might look to the lemon growers of India for a clue, ie follow the money!
It took a while to find the article, lemon is one of twenty five healthy food to lower cholesterol!!! Why do you want to lower cholesterol?
Very interesting reading.
Lemon, lime and other things mentioned in the article were used in Asian cooking.
Thank you Bala for reading the article, glad you found it interesting which I did too. Have high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Take tablets just for the blood pressure. My father died from an aneurysm nearly 30 years ago and several family members have had strokes so I try to eat a healthy diet. I do find these articles helpful in this respect.
I drink tea a few times a day made up of just water with fresh lemon squeezed in. I was not aware of this study though my reasons were simply to cut back on caffeine, thanks for the pointer.
You will be interested to hear that in the Daily Mail yesterday, health section, an article titled 'How low-carb diets may be causing more kidney stones' ended by Mr Leye Ajayi, consultant surgeon at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital, London recommending drinking water with lemon juice daily, as the citrate in lemons is a natural stone inhibitor that can prevent calcium from binding with other substances, such as oxalates, that lead to stones.
You are obviously doing the right thing OliasOfSunhillow.
Thanks for that, to be honest I adopted lemon tea simply as an alternative to drinking too much caffeine but if there are side benefits then hey ho. High Homcysteine can also be due to kidney disfunction so there is also the added hope that lots of water will keep them healthy