Due to go to the clinic in April, but I am seriously thinking of not going as it seems so pointless. I know exactly what will happen, they will take my blood pressure, weigh me and then I will be given a lecture on taking statins which I am refusing to take because of bad side effects. My condition has been diagnosed as FH, but last year I told the consultant I believed I had FCH which is apparently more benign. On top of this, there is no family history of early heart disease despite many members having very high cholesterol. My consultant, although very nice, just dismissed this and said "yes, but your LDL is extremely high at 6.0 and you have to go on statins". I see different doctors depending on who is available at my GP's and they seem to have differing opinions on statins - one keeps pushing me and the other doesnt seem to be so worried.
So the upshot is - should I bother to go to the clinic just to be weighed and have my BP taken (which I have done at GP's anyway) and put up with yet another lecture on statins?