Hello , first,
Thanks for this amazing website, which helped me a lot.
I just wanted to give a feedback for the developers of the website , hoping it will be helpful.
As a developer myself, I know how useful users insights are.
When some things are not "obvious" for the user , and he/she has to think to get somewhere , there is an issue...(You may have read the book "dont make me think?")
I contacted you about two points :
First :
On the mobile version I use right now, when you click on the "home" button , it feels like the user don't have anywhere to go, to write a new post.
I clicked on different buttons, didnt find anything , randomly clicked on "whats your question" , wondering if it was to ask a question to the technical team.
Then, I arrived on a page to "write a new post..."
Second : You can't access the forum from the changing face website menu, and you dont see it at first on the landing page. You gotta scroll down for it.
I had to turn 3 times around the website, to find it back.
It really feels like the forum is a "hidden backdoor" and I think many people leave the website without knowing about the existence of a forum.
Hope it was helpful ,