Friday rambling: Hi everyone, A slightly... - Care Community

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Friday rambling

17 Replies

Hi everyone,

A slightly later than usual Friday ramble as I've just been out to shop at our local Costco. It was disturbing to see that they've had to introduce rationing of paper products again. It's so dispiriting. Some people just won't learn, will they? Imagine creating a shortage when by now we should all clearly understand that the last were created, and affected so many people, making everyone's life harder when there was absolutely no need.

I've been thinking about nostalgia this week, and it came about from something I did on my recent holiday. While we were doing something else in the Cotswolds we were close to the little village where I spent a lot of my early life and was the home of several relatives, so my daughter offered to drive us to go and see how it looks today.

I had a wonderful couple of hours being transported back to such happy times as a child. The meadow where my mother and I paddled in the brook (stream) and she taught me the names of wildflowers, my aunt's cottage, now adjoined with its neighbour to make a more spacious home, the old village school where I was for a short while a pupil and the old post office where once I was allowed to stroke and pet the two Siamese cats owned by the two old ladies who ran it.

There was now the addition of a small cafe where once the grocery store had been and we sat outside in some glorious sunshine to drink coffee.

But a couple of days later when I was home, it backfired a bit. I began to feel the pain that nostalgia can sometimes bring with it. I began to wonder how this plays out with those of you coping with the care of sufferers from dementia/memory loss. I remember that when we took my mum back to her old childhood haunts she was delighted and became very talkative and happy. I hope that she hadn't later felt the same as I have just done. Have any of you had any similar experiences, yourselves or with anyone in your care?

I hope that you are all coping with the tightening of daily restrictions and rising covid numbers. Please all keep yourselves as safe as possible, but do enjoy at least some of your weekend, if you can! 🙏😊🌈🌸

17 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Hi Callendersgal, sadly some people simply don’t care about others but supermarkets really shouldn’t allow anyone to just fill a trolley with loo roll or whatever. It’s just wrong.

It’s nice to indulge in nostalgia but it makes me think how quickly time passes.

I remember our sons taking Pete’s mum back to where she used to live and she loved it but gradually forgot where she’d been. It was good on the day though.

Enjoy your weekend while you can. Hope the sun shines. Xxxxxx😘💜💕👍🌈

Stay safe all. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Here we keep things well stocked but in no way would be take a whole trolley of loo roll or scoop up a whole shelf of baked beans causing the less fortunate to go without when there's no need.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Well said. Some people are a disgrace. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hearing about Pete's mum really mirrored what happened with my own mum! I think part of looking back is sadness about all those years and all the people you lose along the way, alongside feeling happy at remembering them too.

I was glad to see supermarkets acting more quickly this time to try to nip shortages in the bud, but it's all so silly isn't it?

Likewise sassy59, do enjoy your weekend. The forecast's looking a bit iffy! ☂️⛅️💧😊💖🌈

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Thank you Callendersgal. Weather very iffy I think. I’m staying at home.

Stay safe xxxx😘🌈

We have everything we need here so have no need to go out and do the silly panic buying thing!

On the lunchtime news they said Cardiff and Swansea are having local lockdowns starting 6pm on Sunday and I wasn't surprised when they announced them officially and it made me realise that I had made the right choice in cancelling the things I had planned say like weekends away and things even though I was full of anger and resentment and tears over them as you get attached to things and when they are taken away it hurts.

Anyway I had written the cancelled plans down, torn them up and had put them in baby's litter tray to let them go as a dead loss.

Tonight it's a pyjama party over zoom with our friends which I am looking forward to and I enjoyed my fish and chips at lunchtime as well.

It's about finding enjoyment in simple things I have learned.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

You’re right catgirl and have a good attitude to everything that’s happening. Our daughter was supposed to go to Euro Disney in November for her 40th but it’s all been cancelled. She was upset but knows it’s the right thing.

Have a lovely pj party over zoom. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Its natural to be upset when things you have set your heart on are cancelled as it shows you what things are important to you and why.

in reply to

It's very nice to hear that you've got a fun evening planned on Zoom catgirl1976. It is very disappointing when things we've looked forward to have to be cancelled, but it makes life easier if you can swallow that and move on to something which you can more safely do. Hope it's very enjoyable! 👍😃

in reply to

Once I had calmed down and dealt with the feelings of anger and resentment what I did was I decided it is better for my own good to put travel plans on hold for now and concentrate on the things that are available like zoom parties and reading and watching videos rather than worry over things that aren't available at present.

I find I enjoy things more just for the simple fact I have had to have waited for them.

FlowerPreciousLover profile image
FlowerPreciousLover in reply to

I keep a running list for grocery and household goods purchases and when our governor mandated starting July 4th that all should wear masks when going out, I made my first instore visit to a Walmart on a day with one hr set aside for elder shoppers. Self-quarantined since early March, I was able to have groceries delivered to the house by a local store but they don't carry household goods that were running low. By gradually adding a back up for staples here and there, I feel like I can manage if stores start running out again of necessities.

Just a shame that people continue to panic overbuy and make it much harder on the rest.

The idea of a Zoom p.j. party with friends sounds like great fun...will snacks be served as well?

Our little family cancelled and/or put all travel plans on indefinite hold at the beginning of the outbreak and after the initial disappointments, have stopped "planning ahead for travel".

Like you, catgirl, I think the reason I've not become overly alarmed or stressed during this time is that I know I am doing all I know to do to stay as safe and well as possible and that a focus on the simple pleasures brings the happiest most contented results.

Hope all find some contentment and smiles during the days ahead.

Sara_2611 profile image

Mum was telling me when she went shopping early thursday morning - she said they cleaning products were empty & very little pasta - good job she managed to buy me some

Seems to me it doesnt matter whether restrictions are in or not -this terrible virus isnt going away anyday soon

Because of the evidence in the newspapers -pictures of youngsters gathering outside clubs with no masks or social distancing in place & a youngster admitting to a reporter that she doesnt think it realistc I am maintaining that the younger generation are 100% at fault & then some for this new spike & local lockdowns -all those of a certain age are obeying the rules & the youngsters dont care

All it will take is for one member of their families (god forbid) to go down with it then they ll soon be kicking up a fuss appealing to their fellow youths to obey the rules -but until then they will go on making life hell for us

The pubs should be shut completely like in March being open while 10 is just going to be the same situation -no masks & no social distancing

in reply to Sara_2611

I think the 10pm curfew is stupid myself!

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to

they shouldve just completely shut the pubs its not worked out well at all. We ve never heard any rules about what time off licences may stay open while & what time people can be alcohol while

Apparently stores arent allow alcohol to be purchased after 10pm according to my mum

in reply to Sara_2611

We decided that the government can stick their 10pm curfew where the sun doesn't shine and decided not to have anything to do with pubs and restaurants for the time being!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Same here catgirl. Xxxx

Sara_2611 profile image

hear hear

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