Mums hospital experience : My mums 92 she’s... - Care Community

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Mums hospital experience

Sarbec profile image
11 Replies

My mums 92 she’s been in hospital since 1st September she fell at home and broke her neck & wrist she also split her head open and had 12 stitches she’s incredible because she got over that went to rehab but unfortunately fell twice more and fractured her pelvis in 4 places

She’s now developing dementia quite bad and we are waiting to get her in a nursing home tonight I went to see her and noticed she has a bad chest so I asked the nurse about it he said it’s because of all the shouting she does at night

I’m so annoyed about his comment I went to the desk and had a word about his flippant comment he said it wasn’t flippant she shouts out for 6 hours a night I insisted he must get somebody to check her and told him that’s why she’s here because she’s poorly sorry about the long post but needed to get it off my chest what worries me now when I’m not there will she not get decent treatment who knows

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Sarbec profile image
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11 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Hello Sarbec, I’m so sorry to hear about what your wonderful mother has gone through and is still going through. It’s such a great shame that she’s had more falls after recovering so well the first time round.

I can only hope that you can find a really good, caring place for her where she will be well cared for. Sadly, people with dementia do shout at times but just need patience and kindness to possibly discourage that.

I do wish you and your mother well. Take care xxxxxx

Sarbec profile image
Sarbec in reply to sassy59

Thanks very much for your reply

Hi Sorry to read about time your mothers had ... for 92 year old to be shouting out all night I think that would be amazing THINK rehab might telling lies or over statin.

She probably got bed chest as lay flat most of the time.

When my dad’s been in hospital and they wanted to discharge to rehab THAT was ruled out given the always falling in such places.

Your post I would swear is same as experiences I heard about re rehab

If you have grave concerns and think rehab is making your mother worse I would get in touch with Care Quality Commission that’s providing in U.K.

My dad sufferd terrible abuse from other patients wile in hospital as he was up all night calling out TO point of me nearly causing riot when I heard found out what other patients was doing.

Hospital had to move dad to ward and had gaurd to keep other patients in check OR I would of.

Can be distressing time for all with no quick easy answers BUT don’t frustrate as you are not on your own

Tugun profile image


Also check what type and how much pain reliever she is getting. It's definitely needed but some elderly patients go "away with the fairies" on morphine. If it's dementia caused by the pain relief, it may (or may not) improve once she needs less pain reliever. Is the shouting because she is in pain or perhaps wants to go to the toilet. I didn't know shouting could cause a bad chest - a sore husky throat maybe. Does she have a temperature? Some elderly people actually go down in temperature when they have an infection. You have a right to see her results (which in hospital are done at least once a day).

Check with the doctor - even a urinary tract infection can cause symptoms of mental confusion and pain. Maybe she requires antibiotics. I have learnt with my parents that it is best to see the doctor not any go-between as, like Chinese Whispers, information gets diluted down the line.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Tugun

Good idea re UTI, you could be right Tugun. Xxx

Roessner541 profile image

I was visiting my mother in the hospital many years ago and I kept hearing this loud tapping and I followed the sound until I found the source and it was this old lady tapping her tray because she wanted someone to move her food tray and she couldn't get anyone's attention, very sad.

Hellebelle profile image

Hi Sarbec, I was so sorry to read about your experience with your poor mum. I was just wondering if they have got the pain medication right. A broken pelvis can be incredibly painful and because your mum has dementia it will make it very difficult for her to communicate if she is in pain. Perhaps you could ask to see the pain management specialists/team in hospital who will be able to advise the ward staff.

It might not be this, but its worth checking out. Wishing you and your mum well through this difficult time.

Hellebelle profile image

Ps. Just read what Tugun posted and agree, it could be a whole host of things. It would be a good idea to get to see a doctor and express your concerns. Good luck.

katieoxo60 profile image

Sorry to hear you are disturbed by a persons attitude to your mums health . If she is developing dementia one of the symptoms is shouting and aggression, sadly it is not easy for the family to deal with these problems and hospitals do not have the staff with this training on medical wards often. I appreciate your concern but they do have to consider other patients needs too, hopefully they will soon find a more suitable care environment for your mum with staff that do understand. However I do not agree that her chest is bad because of her shouting in fact that would clear the lungs, his comment does sound a bit sarcastic to me. Take care and try to find a more care orientated member of staff to discuss yoiur mums health with. Will be thinking of you at this stressful time. x

Hi Sarbec,

Sorry to hear you are so troubled about your mum and her treatment. I think that, sometimes when we are very worried, we can easily take umbrage at a clumsily made comment from someone else. I think the way to get to the root of this is to request a meeting with the doctors who are in charge of your mum's care and not the nursing staff, not about any comment that's been made, but just to make sure that both sides agree on the cause of her shouting, her chest condition and her treatment, whilst she's waiting for a nursing home place.

It's not uncommon for this shouting in very elderly people to occur. I happened with my own mother too, and it too went on for hours. The nursing staff will be very familiar with it, so I'd be pretty sure they weren't being critical of your mum, but that's not to say you shouldn't set your mind at rest that she's receiving the care that she should.

Very best wishes to you, and I hope your mum doesn't have too long a wait for her nursing home place.

Sarbec profile image

Many thanks for all of the great advice I have had a development the sister on the wards got involved and the nurse won’t be looking after mum now the sister was very caring and apologized for his comments

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