hip replacement: i am awaiting assessment for... - Care Community

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hip replacement

Jaybird19 profile image
8 Replies

i am awaiting assessment for hip replacement and I have not been given any exercises while iwait. I live alone in three storey house . should i use my damaged hip to climb up stairs alternately with good leg I can use a stick on the level but I have two handrails on stairs and can take weight on those.

cann ot walk very far and standing still is a no no. can still drive but havent blue badge' also have spinal stenosis and need info on that . just told to wait until I lose feeling in lower body then go to A&E to have op iwithin 48 hrs or be permanently paralysed . just left with no guidance apart from that Also on bllod thinners so cannot operate if that happens for 3 days !! so I am told No exercise to do just wait .


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8 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Dear me June, that doesn’t sound right to me. I don’t really know anything about exercises before a hip replacement but certainly feel you should have entitlement to a Blue Badge. If you haven’t applied for one then please do.

Your doctor should really be helping more and not just leaving you to get on with it. Contact him as that’s just not good enough.

I hope things improve for you. Please let us know how you get on. Xxxxx

Hi Jaybird19,

I think this might be your first post in the Care Community forum, even though I've read some of your posts in other forums, so if this is the case, a very warm welcome to you.

I agree with all that sassy59 has said.

It would be wrong of us to say whether you should be trying to exercise or not, as we are not medically trained, and, as always, if in doubt, do book another appointment with a doctor at your surgery and get advice from that medically trained person. Don't be afraid to ask when you don't understand something. Some doctors can seem to be a little bit intimidating, but they are there to help and we are entitled to find out what we need to know. Could you take someone with you, a friend or relative maybe, who could help you with the questions you have? If not, maybe write a list of the things you want help with, so you don't forget any of your questions. As sassy59 has said, you must have a strong case for entitlement to a blue badge, so ask about that as well if it will help you.

From what you have said, it seems you are already on the list for hip replacement surgery, so hopefully you will not have to wait for too much longer.

Vitally though, you do need close contact with your local surgery for the best advice.

Very best wishes to you, and as sassy59 said, do let us know how you get on.

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to

Thanks for your help and encouragement. An xray l had a year ago showed spinal stenosis so they panicked over that and ignored the hip xraySpinal surgeon one saw xrays and told me to wait until i lost the feeling in my bottom then have op within 48 hrs to prevent paralysis! Asked for 2nd opinion and this man said wait the same, but get your hip sorted ! He looked at me , the person and saw how i moved and what i could do. . So thst was better .That was august.last. This is all started after a coach trip in an uncomfortable seat in May 2018 . Loss of some mobility has meant my breathing has deteriorated and my respiratory team cancelled my yearly oct appointment with no indication of another . Just waiting all the time getting less mobile. It is discouraging.

Sorry to go on so much, thanks for your advice about local doctors surgery but that is also suffering from lack of staff and have to wait a week just to book an appointment to speak to a doctor on telephone ! Three weeks to see one then just one condition . I worked for NHS for 35 yrs and all hours and ca nnot bear to see it like this.

19Jackstones25 profile image

Hi jaybird19

I had a hip replacement in May we had to go to pre op meeting with physios it was then that I and the rest of the people were given instructions regarding exercises I agree with other comments I really think you should speak to your doctor.

Regarding blue badge you have to request a form yourself from the blue badge issuers you can find the address and phone number on line. Once you have the form which is quite lengthy get som help completing it. Citizen advise will come to the house and do it for you. The other thing you could apply for is attended allowance again apply for the form and get assistance completing that. It’s not means tested and will help to pay for any help you might need in my case cleaner gardener, dog walker when I couldn’t walk her etc.

Hope that’s helpful.

in reply to 19Jackstones25

That sounds like excellent advice 19Jacksones25! A great answer from someone who has already been there!

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to 19Jackstones25

Thank you so much i am very much in thr dark about all of this .i feel that if i am doing exercises then it is on the way and not just sitting waiting . Trouble is my back is a major problem and have to be aware i could do damage there. It is not good just having to wait blindly. Help is there but it is very elusive . I have an assessment coming in a few weeks so that should help hopefully.

Also I am waiting since last jan for the breathing rehab that i have been promised for my lungs . On waiting list for that so get a bit dispirited with the NHS

Thanks again

19Jackstones25 profile image

Your very welcome but the won’t expect you do do anything until your on the list for the op, the exercises are not vigorous, more leg strengthening. I have arthritis in the whole of my spine so I understand you’re fear nothing should put your back under strain. Please go ahead and apply for your blue badge it takes approximately 8 weeks bf you get one also attendance allowance that also takes time. Depending on which hip (mine was left) they’ll tell how soon you should be able to drive post op. It’s difficult when you live alone but you have this lovely site for support use it we’re all here to help each other. Depending on your age they won’t give you a general anaesthetic but one in the spine and sedation, I was worried sick about It but PLEASE don’t I had the epidural and sedation and never knew anything about it.

If you are concerned please post.

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to 19Jackstones25

No not worried about that local. My spine is narrowing and pressing on some nerves That does worry me somewhat.

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