After a lengthy process, it’s been concluded that mums not eligible for CHC funding as her needs aren't complex enough as can be covered with medication and basic care home care (despite having a DOL in place, being unable to walk, unable to have any sort of conversation, being incontinent and frequent chest and skin infections). She is however eligible for a nursing allowance of £158 a week paid straight to the care home. Great... so I thought... until the care home manager says that won't reduce her fees as it's a risk they took on. So in effect they are now getting £158 extra a week for all my efforts. I then said about the attendance allowance that adult services said mum could get and asked for some help completing the form, only for the care home manager to say she can't have that if the nhs are paying £158 a week for her nursing to the home. So for all my efforts, I've saved mum nothing, cost her getting any sort of benefit towards the full cost of her care and netted the home an extra £158 a week. Is there anything else I can do to help with the costs?
Help with care home funding after DOL in pl... - Care Community
Help with care home funding after DOL in place?

Contact the Care Quality Commission who deal with nursing homes. They should be able to help, or try Age Concern or the CAB
Your mothers needs do not seem to come under “basic care” and I would challenge that if possible. Also please do apply for attendance allowance and get help ehsewhere to fill the form in.
DoLS is the deprivation of liberty safeguard and applies to people in nursing/care homes and hospitals. It comes under the mental capacity act 2005.
Please rest assured that you can only do your best but don’t give up.
You’ve had a good reply from exhaustedwife and I wish you well. Xxxx
It is outrageous and a disgrace as we too were turned down for CHC,and so I am left working 24/7 as a carer,and today one of these wonderful ,NOT,health workers phoned me and said,'we would like to visit you to see what help you could get'' and I said but do we have to pay,oh yes she said,and I said dont ever bother me again,you are just wasting my time as per usual.
Hi johooper,
I'm so sorry that you are also having challenges with funding care as is secrets22. I've just added these links to my response to her post and you may find something in them that may be helpful for your mum's situation. They have helplines too and maybe more competent to answer your questions.
Age UK - Arranging care:
Carers UK:
Alzheimers UK - Paying for care:
CAB - Sick & disabled benefits:
CAB - NHS & Social care complaints:
Let us know how you are getting on. You have been amazing trying to support your mum, you can only what you can do and no more. The health & social care system doesn't seem fair and it is a minefield trying to negotiate it. Talking with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) may help.
Best wishes,
MAS Nurse and Moderator
Hi johooper,
A warm welcome to this care community. I see that you've just joined us. I also see you've had some great replies from other members and our Administrator, MAS_Nurse, so I can't add anything to their advice. So just to bid you welcome. I hope you find our advice useful and that it provides you with a way forward. It'd be lovely if you'd come back and let us know how you get on, to add to our pool of knowledge. Very best wishes.