I am a carer for my mom whom is in remission for non hogkinson lymphoma, which has damaged a lot of her body since coming out of hospital for irreg heart beat and a nasty case of pneumonia which she was in Hosp for 6 week since her anxiety has gone through the roof get so agitated over the little things all this stress for hear can't be good yet specialist s don't see it ands it feels like no one is listening and it's not fair on mom
Anxiety : I am a carer for my mom whom is in... - Care Community
can you take your mum to her GP to see if they can arrange for her to have CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy). It is a way of getting people to look at things from a different way to take the anxiety away from event. It would hopefully help her to look at her problems differently.
Thank you anything worth a try , but its getting her to go
Hello Coops, I'm sorry you and your mum are struggling at the moment. I agree with 'exhausted wife' that a trip to see your mum's GP to chat through her issues, possibly they can prescribe anti-depressants (which are also used for anxiety) and psychological therapies. Do you have enduring power of attorney for your mum, as having this, may enable you to speak to the GP on her behalf? Did your mum have the services of a Macmillan nurse whom you could talk to? Have a look at their website, as they understand the emotional impact of having NHL, they have a support line too:
Hope this help a little. Keep in touch.
She is a very independent lady , I even mentioned to her gp , when he questioned her she said she was fine and nothing wrong with her , she doesn't realise the effect it having on her health and she doesn't see it as an issue