When I was six years old my mother carved the headboard of my bed into a whale and the footboard into an elephant. The post tops represented the sun, moon, stars and a planet. I always looked forward to sweet dreams in that bed.
The bed my mother carved for me. - Care Community
The bed my mother carved for me.

That's amazing, she's clearly such a talented woman! Did you inherit the artistic genes too?
Wow, that sounds beautiful. I love this idea of paying tribute to mums...I feel they don't get enough recognition.
My mum is one of the most intelligent, curious and hard-working women I know. As a typical teenager, when she kept pushing me to do my homework and work harder at school, I hated her for it.
There’s a running joke in our family when I once got 97% in a maths test and her (half-joking) response was ‘What happened to the other 3%?’.
Now I can’t thank her enough for this determination (although I hate to tell her right she was).
I'm sure you felt proud of that jumper on the school trip. My parent's never took a photo of the bed, but one day I may try to sketch it from memory. By the way, Mother's Day in the U.S. is in the second week of May.
I didn't know there were two different Mothers Days, either, until I read here about the one in the U.K.
That's a lovely memory, and such love involved.
The bed memories began when I was a little girl in the 1930s. In 1964, my husband separated the bed's head board from the footboard and incorporated them into a room divider to separate my 11 year old son from his newborn brother. That was the year the Beatles came to America and their music stayed in our home. My older son wanted to hang the headboard on the walls of his twin daughters' room, but the craftsman who was going to refinished disappeared with them, leaving us only the memories.
Lynn -- I no longer have the bed, but it had many lives. I separated the headboard and footboard and installed them on top of the low partition separating his half of the bedroom from his newborn brother's half. As an adult, he intended to use the headboard and footboard as wall hangings in his daughter's room. He gave the panels to a craftsman who was going to restore them, but the man moved away without notifying my son. I hope someone is enjoying them today, Some day, I will try sketching them from memory.
Marvellous and what a wonderful and lasting memory.