I got a baby boy on 14/11/15.
He born with ompholocele minor(only small intestine was outside in a SAC). Baby went through an surgery for this on 27th Nov'15.During his surgery he was having Positive CRP .
Immediately after the surgery he went on oxygen and after that on ventilator for almost 4-5 days. Doctor told bcz of infection baby is having breathing problem. They started giving him the double dose of antibiotics.
They gave following medicine -
Inj Mero 250mg
Syp lizomed
Syp levipil
He got recovered and was okay for another 10days.
Then by mid of December.He started with a unique problem. He usually use to hold his breath once or twice in a day.
During this episode, his tongue colour use to change in blue colour and hold his breath for 5 minutes or sometime close to 10 minutes also. After this he himself use to get recover.
Again we consulted the paderitic doctor for this problem on 27th December 2015.
They admitted him and kept him under observation. EEG , CT scan and other reports were normal.
They concluded that he is having macroglossia problem.
During this time they thought of GER problem and when they conducted barium sallow test .the report was also normal.
Now, on 23rd Jan 2016. We admitted him to better hospital.
They saying that this is life threatening disease. Here doctors are saying that no surgery is required and we can't do anything.
Please help on this.
I am writing this detail with lot of hopes.
Thanks in advance.