I have BWS and my boyfriend and I want to have a baby. I am not sure if me having BWS will prevent me getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. Please help
Pregnancy plan: I have BWS and my boyfriend and... - BWS Support
Pregnancy plan
I wish I could help you but I think the best way is to meet up with the gynecologist and ask for her opinion. I've read in some websites a few years back that BWS has a 50% chance to be passed on. I hope everything will turn out well for you. I also have the same fear that I may pass this BWS genes down to my children but I hope everything will be OK.
I have BWS too and i study medicine, i talked about this with my teacher, a very good expert in genetics here in Spain, and she told me that the risk of transmiting BWS to the childrens depends on the specific mutations that you have so if you want to know more exactly you have to make genetics test like karyotype or arrays, but i can give you some clues, for example if you have lots of syptoms of BWS it is easier for your babe to have and if anyone else in your family has it is easier too. If you are the only person in your family with BWS the risk is lower but even if you have more relatives with BWS, i think the risk is never more than 50% but i am not a doctor and if you need exact information you should ask a genetist
Wish you the best,
Pd: sorry for my english but i am spanish