Where to go from here: I am feeling utterly... - Tinnitus UK

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Where to go from here

Sailorsam2001 profile image
25 Replies

I am feeling utterly despondent and quite frankly mentally debilitated after my audiology assessment. The mere thought of hospitals induces a fear within myself I can't describe. Something about the clinical nature of the whole procedure is quite scary.

Regardless, after having my first appointment cancelled due to covid (awfully terrible symptoms- I don't wish it upon anyone) I have seen an audiologist practicioner. On the assessment details it mentioned it was 30 minutes and I was wondering how everything would be fitted into such a short space of time. My assumptions of it being a full assessment with a hearing test and after care plan of sorts were scampered immediately after I was told to just sit in a booth and then be told my hearing was "fine".

I have been really really sick of the treatment of how this has all been handled. Being rushed out with no chance to talk through my problems (I wrote down a list of questions I was wishing to ask and talk about) left a sour note in my stomach which isn't pleasant at all.

After the appointment and the time there before I have been mentally frustrated with everything. I have been near suicidal in the preceding months and it seems the help is there but takes a while to get it.

It is quite frankly reaching a position where I feel lost and like giving up but feel like giving a big "bugger off" to everyone who has doubted me over the years. My tinnitus has massively impacted my life. I worry about my line of work and my career prospects going down the swanny because of this. Ever since I have been attempting to change my life and work ethic to be a better more healthier person. There needs to be more awareness of hearing loss and how to protect oneself as I have been in situations where I was assured my hearing would not be affected but is undoubtedly.

I sometimes hate myself especially being so young and having this afflict me. It give me crushing anxiety to go out most times and this to worsen. It's not pleasant at all and has made me realize how important health is and the omissions we choose to take. I guess onwards and upwards.

I have to now unfortunately pay for private care for hearing aids provisions as no one else seems to want to care. Apparently my hearing is normal so unfortunately no one in the NHS will supply the hearing aids to support me. Quite a sad reality really.

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Sailorsam2001 profile image
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25 Replies
doglover1973 profile image

Hello Sailorsam2001

I'm sorry audiology was a let down for you. There's no doubt NHS care can be hit & miss. Perhaps you could get a second opinion privately. A private hearing test is usually free. Just make sure it's in a nice, quiet setting.

It sounds as if you have other worries too. Work & health and the way tinnitus makes you feel overall. You could ask your GP for further help - possibly in the form of CBT . It can be very helpful working thru the way you feel with someone else. It was for me.

Please know that none of this is your fault. Try not to blame yourself in any way. Don't give up. It's possible to live life with tinnitus - even though it doesn't always feel that way .

Sailorsam2001 profile image
Sailorsam2001 in reply to doglover1973

I think my angsty teen rebellion and naive nature awfully caused this. I listened to music excessively and listened to it a lot. It obviously caused some damage. At a precipitous rate. I just want my life to be improved.

And I am never using headphones again as I have no self control hence what led up to this condition

doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to Sailorsam2001

Everyone does things they regret in their youth - and some of those things have consequences - but you didn't deliberately damage your hearing. Now you're aware of the problem you've decided not to use headphones which is a very sensible step . Try not to beat yourself up - if possible. I think CBT would help you . It's all about going forward in any & every situation .

Marlayna profile image

Hi there, I can’t help but I want you to know I see and hear you. I’ve had tinnitus since the age of 11 and have faced many irritations and doubters throughout my 56 years. I wish there was a magic cure. I’m here anytime you want to chat.

MOLKO1972 profile image

Hi Sailorsam2001,

Definitely go and get another hearing test done privately, as you can't always rely on the first one. I've had a total of 3 now and it wasn't until the 3rd one that it was found I had slight high pitched hearing loss in my T ear.

Believe me I know far too well how frustrating it is to get the help on the NHS regarding T. Just when you think you might be getting somewhere they close the door on you.

Like doglover1973 suggested, go back to your GP and ask what other help is available. I'm going to do the exact same thing and have my appointment booked already with my GP at the end of this month. My next step will be Audiology and I'll see how far I get with them. ENT weren't interested as my MRI scan came back normal, which I'm obviously happy about, but then I was discharged and left to figure out what to do next.

Good luck on your journey :)

Sailorsam2001 profile image
Sailorsam2001 in reply to MOLKO1972

The thing is I work in the transport industry whereby I have to meet certain medical standards. If I fail that exam my career is over. That's why I need help and pretty fast tbh!

I am going to Specsavers for a full check this upcoming Thursday as I need to apparently take matters in my own hands!

MOLKO1972 profile image
MOLKO1972 in reply to Sailorsam2001

You'll have to let us know how you get on at Specsavers. I had my first hearing test done at Specsavers. They found my hearing to be fine, so I then decided to get a second opinion. That was pretty much the same outcome as the first. It was at my ENT appointment where they do a routine hearing test that my hearing loss was found.

It's taken me nearly a year to get to where I am and I'm still looking for help. I hope you manage to get the help you need and like you say 'pretty fast'.

SimToTheWorld profile image

SailorSam, tinnitus does not necessarily mean you have hearing loss. So I doubt Specsavers will show anything different. It seems your local NHS trust (where are you based?) doesn't have a tinnitus specialist, which is a shame and goes against the N.I.CE. standards for NHS care for tinnitus sufferers. You should push them. I couldn't have had a better treatment in my NHS trust (Walsall in the West Midlands) for example. They are brilliant. What you need is a hearing aid with maskers and they are available on the NHS, so you shouldn't have to pay for it. However, it seems you will have to fight to get it. Please look for the N.I.C.E standards of care for tinnitus patients (the bta website has it) and present it to your GP or even better go to the audiology department and show them what they haven't done. If it's impacting your work it's on everybody's interest that you get proper treatment. And the standards are there for that reason. However, if you don't want to go down this path as it will take time, then I suggest that instead of Specsavers, you are better to look for a private tinnitus specialist clinic around where you live. They do exist and are spread all over the country. You might have to travel a bit, but I doubt you will have to travel very far. Just Google tinnitus specialist clinics near me. They are generally former NHS specialists who have set up a private clinic, (which I find disgusting, as the NHS trains them and they leave!), but they do exist.

Keep us posted in your progress. Help is out there for you.

doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to SimToTheWorld

I went to one of these clinics last summer to have an initial chat. The audiologist ran a hearing test and offered to reduce my T for the sum of £3000 . I believe they use sound generating hearing aids. When I asked how it would work given I'm quite deaf in one ear he gave me short shrift. So I would say be careful.

SimToTheWorld profile image
SimToTheWorld in reply to doglover1973

I don't understand. There are hearing aids that do both, help with you hearing and at the same time have maskers. So why didn't he give you that option? That doesn't sound like a good professional to me. It seems he was more interested in selling you an expensive device than finding the best thing to help you with all your conditions. You did the right thing and not buying from them. That's why I hate that we have private clinics in the UK. They are set up to make money. So selling an expensive kit is what they are trying to do. But there are good people, even within the private sector. But in the private sector it can take time and effort to find the good ones and can be expensive. Sadly, the same seems true with the NHS nowadays. If you have an NHS hearing aid, you need to go back to audiology and ask for one with maskers for tinnitus, they do have them and should be able to fit to adapt to all your needs. Good luck doglover. xx

doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to SimToTheWorld

Thanks SimToTheWorld I was upset at the time but I realise now it's not my fault he couldn't help me. I agree with you about private clinics. Some just want to make a profit. Not all of them of course . I'm still waiting for my NHS hearing aids . It's been a long haul but I'm going to audiology next week . Thanks again for your kind words🙂

SimToTheWorld profile image
SimToTheWorld in reply to doglover1973

I pray your appointment goes well next week and you get what you need. 💕

Sailorsam2001 profile image

The more time goes on the more and more I am worried about losing my career over this horrible condition. I have decided to cancel the upcoming Specsavers appointment until a later date as it's quite costly but will do it again when I am in a more stable financial condition. I feel quite stressed and felt very suicidal a few days back tbh and cried immensely over it.

I do believe I caused this to occur and I just want help but it feels time is against me and I am stressed to high hell. I am going to mention it to my therapist as she could help (she works in a local NHS hospital).

I am based in Newcastle.

I love my job and just want help. I am taking massive steps to improve my life.

SimToTheWorld profile image
SimToTheWorld in reply to Sailorsam2001

I think speaking to your therapist is the best thing you can do. My daughter is 15 and she has tinnitus as well. Don't blame yourself. It won't help your situation. Also speak to your GP, say to them how you are feeling and that you need help. If there are two hospitals in your area, sometimes one hospital is better than the other for different conditions. So try to investigate which one has a better audiology department. If your therapist works for the NHS she/he will know which one is best or can find out. Also remember that Tinnitus can be hard to get used to, but most of us overcome the first fight and flight reaction. You need help to get to that. I have been there myself and have managed to get to a better place. You can do it too.

SimToTheWorld profile image
SimToTheWorld in reply to Sailorsam2001

I found this in Newcastle. Have a look. It's an NHS clinic. This is at the Freeman Hospital. Is there anywhere near you? You need to ask your GP to refer you to the Tinnitus Clinic, not just audiology. newcastle-hospitals.nhs.uk/...

TinnitusUKPat profile image

SailorSam - even if you did cause the situation which lead to you developing tinnitus, it is in the past and there is nothing realistic that you can do to change it. As you've said earlier in the thread, you can make changes to your life which may protect your hearing and prevent any worsening of the tinnitus which you have.

I think that talking to your therapist openly and honestly about the distress which tinnitus is causing you is an excellent idea.

notdodgy profile image

While tinnitus can be brought on by hearing loss, its not always the case.I can only suggest you look at the therapies that you should have been offered.

Relaxation techniques (stress makes it worse)

Sound therapy (about desensitisation or masking the tinitus).

For both of the above there are apps available and resources on YouTube and other music services like spotify etc.

There are paud for solutions but a lot of free stuff out there.

Some noise cancelling ear buds may help.

I use soundcore ones as thier app includes a library of Relaxation and masking sounds.

If sleeping an issue then sleep headphones may help (sleep masks with bluetook headphones built in).

MOLKO1972 profile image

Aftershokz Bone Conductor Headphones are a better alternative to normal headphones, which I tend to use during the day to distract me from the T

SimToTheWorld profile image
SimToTheWorld in reply to MOLKO1972

I have it, but I found that after a while if gives me a headache as it puts pressure on the side of my head. Do you have the same issue?

MOLKO1972 profile image
MOLKO1972 in reply to SimToTheWorld

I've not had any issues with mine. I wear them everyday and sometimes at night too. It's a shame they give you a headache and pressure, as they aren't the cheapest things to buy.

SimToTheWorld profile image
SimToTheWorld in reply to MOLKO1972

No, they are definitely not the cheapest. I still use for work in short meetings and if I'm busy with my hands and want to be able to hear other around me. So it hasn't been a total waste of money. x

DizzyMess profile image

I wish I could help, but I’m at the beginning of working my way through this complicated journey as well. I too am worried about my career. So I just wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone - I’ve found reading through the comments in this group really helpful just knowing that there are others that completely understand. I would urge you to keep pushing for help, let your therapist and GP know how you’re feeling and keep moving forward even if a little step at a time. I now have an mri booked and feel better just knowing that I have an appointment. Stay strong.

Hope things improve for you Sailorsam2001

Tinnitus is such a distressing condition and not very well understood by the general public. I've felt despondent many times, too.

Crowds and background noise make it impossible for me to communicate. With tinnitus I need spells of quiet. I would recommend that you tell people around you how you are feeling, what you need and what you are able to do socially.

At first I felt very low but now people know that I get very tired (listening fatigue, I believe is the technical term) after concentrating in big groups and I now tend to meet up with one or two people at a time. It sounds like you'd benefit from talking through your situation with someone.

Hearing levels can fluctuate so I think it is a good idea to get another hearing test. Hope you got on ok at Specsavers. An option could be: get the test and info without committing to the expensive hearing aids?

I have NHS danalogic hearing aids and I had a quick shot of trying £5,000 ones - and the only difference was my own voice sounded less echoey and the private ones were smaller than NHS ...however I didn't not think there was a big enough difference to justify the cost so I'm sticking with NHS - they are powerful and I don't mind them being a bit bigger as they're sturdy and less likely to break. In my opinion, sometimes people spend a fortune on hearing aids when the NHS ones are fine.

The private test was good as it wasn't rushed and we had a good discussion about what was going on. I went to the 'Hearing Clinic.' They gave me a print out of my audiogram and it was free. I think the audiologist was gutted I didn't take the hearing aids - but that is just the way the cookie crumbles for these big companies and I'm sure they can cope.

My hearing aids don't have any modifications for tinnitus but I just try to juggle my exposure to sounds depending on the level of tinnitus so I sometimes have the radio on as a distraction, other times like quiet. I enjoy walking and listening to bird sounds.

I try not to be too long with people who are excessive talkers. I don't mean to sound horrible, everyone has different personalities and some people are natural talkers- but I find that hard-going, at times to and I like a pause in conversations to collect my thoughts!

I used to listen to my Sony Walkman blasting in my ears but I think hereditary factors are important too plus, as Pat says, that is in the past so no point dwelling on.

Good luck. All the best. x

Sailorsam2001 profile image
Sailorsam2001 in reply to

Yes I have had periods of being suicidal almost recently but I have just accepted my hearing loss and won't let it define me. I feel like I have buggered up my life (I am only 20) and feel completely embarrassed. Ever since I have came to think how precious life is and we should do everything to enjoy it and enhance our experience. This is why I am wearing ear plugs around traffic now.

in reply to Sailorsam2001

Sorry to hear that. It must get you down. I would be careful and make sure you can hear the traffic for safety.

I don't know what to say but at 20 you have time on your side though it may not seem like that. Maybe talking to a counselor could help?

Yes you're right, life is precious. Take care x

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