How frequently do those with Menieres Disease ... - Tinnitus UK

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How frequently do those with Menieres Disease experience episodes of dizziness and nausea?

daverussell profile image
14 Replies

I'm interested how frequently those with Menieres Disease experience episodes of dizziness and nausea.

I'm waiting for doctors appointment following a blood test this week, after reporting dizziness and nausea. I said I suspect it's related to my hearing loss, tinnitus and hyperacusis. They immediately booked me for a blood test. I'm not 100% at the best of times over the last month. I'm feel constant or additionally distressed, especially in environments with background noise, especially when either trying to concentrate or hear others. I'm a teacher in a new job which doesn't help. Stress? However, the feelings of nausea and sometimes spikes in my tinnitus are extra distress/annoyance and coincides with pressure and changes in my hearing. This can happen day, evening or night.

I was prescribed Betahistine for vertigo a year or so ago, but what I'm experiencing this time seems somehow different.

I'll need to wait for my appointments and what they say about my results and follow ups. However, they've already said I'll need another blood test in 3 months. From my own self-diagnosis, I'm wondering whether it could be Menieres disease/Labyrinthitis. The part I'm unclear about is how often the episodes occur. I'm getting several episodes a day and night, and as above never feeling 100% and distressed about my hearing and tinnitus

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daverussell profile image
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14 Replies
rabbits65 profile image

Sorry to hear your suffering so much . Yes I get dizziness a few times each week but no nausea . I also get the pressure you mention alongside bad tinnitus . I was prescribed the medicines and I’ve decided not to take anything just in case it makes my T worse . I just carry on as best as I can , I’m not working so I can go at my own pace . Me and my poodles. Try and relax if you can stress is the worst factor . My son gave up teaching as it can be stressful as you well know.

Happyrosie profile image

Hello Dave. I don’t know how they differentiate between labyrinthitis, menieres, and BPPV.What I do know is that I was diagnosed with lab. about twelve years ago, lasted about two weeks and treated with (I don’t remember, probably betahistine).

Then BPPV started about three years ago. Treated with prochlormazine and vestibular rehabilitation exercises. This didn’t really work so I had Epley, which worked for a while, then back to square 1.

I’ve had Epley three times now and whilst it does work for me, the treatment is so horrible I won’t have it again. I get the odd bout of nausea now and treat with prochlomazine - just one tablet does the trick.

As a specific answer to your specific question, its always there in the background and I just work around it. I know not to look up even if there’s a spider in the corner of the room, someone else has to deal with it. Also pruning things in the garden above my head. Someone else will have to do it.

I now know what started me off: it was exercising in a prone position. Pilates. Now, if I turn over in bed I need to do it VERY slowly. And as I say, no looking upwards.

So, that was me. Now you.

If you have nausea/vertigo they need to try and establish, somehow, exactly what it is. Please go to the NICE website and have a trawl through all their bits and pieces on this subject. Last time I looked at this a year or so ago there was reams of stuff to get through.

The vestibular rehabilitation exercises - the ones you do sitting down at least - are very helpful and make you feel a bit more in control.

I’m not sure what I can add to this but if you think I can help more, get in touch.

daverussell profile image
daverussell in reply to Happyrosie

Happy Rosie thank you very much. I'll look at the NICE website. Though, I'm not ruling out the other 101 things it could be.

Hopefully, I'll get a doctor's appointment soon and hopefully some answers.

1966366 profile image

Symptoms seem pretty much identical to my Menieres Disease: dizzy spells which sometimes lasts for a few days and annoying nausea. I have been on Betahistine and then Cinnarizine and back to Betahistine. Unfortunately, neither seems to be working anymore and I have stopped both. Regarding how often the episodes occur, in my opinion, this is entirely down to each individual and their case. Although I would say that as time passes my 'episodes' have decreased in frequency, but still have the same intensity when it comes. I also have tinnitus which is constantly changing and the pressure in the left ear is a real pain, sometimes literally. Strangely, it doesn't seem to happen to my right ear. All in all, horrible things that make no sense whatsoever. All the best for the future

wowfabgroovy50 profile image

I have Menieres and my GP prescribed Betahistine 16mg three times a day. They work well for me. In the year since I've been taking them I've only had one very mild dizzy spell which lasted a couple of hours.

Bristolboy5 profile image
Bristolboy5 in reply to wowfabgroovy50

Wow you were lucky, had attacks everyday for 9 months, all symptoms was sweating soaked my shirt was out at time, embarrassed looked like I was drunk. Glad they put you on Serc Betahistine they must have caught you early. I have lived with this for 45 years now, luckily live down on Cornish coast and air pressure is so much better I have had one attack lasted for hour in 6 years. I Take 4 a day.

PABLR profile image

It varies tremendously from person to person. About ten years ago I had completely debilitating vertigo episodes with vomiting, diarrhea, the room spinning, couldn’t walk without holding on to something that each lasted from 2 - 16 hours. After two years they stopped as suddenly as they started and have not returned. I was also teaching when this happened on the third floor, no lift. When an episode started I had five minutes to get to ground level before I couldn’t. Thankfully it was well behaved middle school students I could leave. Most of what you are experiencing sounds like Menieres. But you definitely need the official medical diagnosis. I hope things improve.

Bristolboy5 profile image
Bristolboy5 in reply to PABLR

Pablr can relate to all this you mentioned, like a nightmare hated waking up. When I had it sweated so much soaked my shirt and only thing that eased it was strip off lay on bed and sleep with windows opened wide. Wouldn't wish this dreadful disease on my worse enemy, lived with this for 45years.

Meni57 profile image

I have been diagnosed with Menieres after a few bouts of roaring in my ear immediately followed by the world turning over & over & vomiting. I had an MRI to rule out anything else & was put on 8mg for 2 weeks then up to16mg then upto 24mg of betahistine. My blood pressure meds were changed to bendroflumethiazide which have a diuretic effect. I also went decaff. I was much better, no attacks & lost that spaced feeling. I still get tinnitus which varies in intensity & I have trouble with lots of noise like crowded rooms. I am pleased to say no major attacks for 10 months. It is well worth looking at the Menieres Society site if that is what you are diagnosed with. I have also read information about Hashimotos which affects the thyroid & there is some research to suggest it can be a factor in causing Menieres. I hope you find something that works for you, all the best.

Happyrosie profile image

Another thought. When I saw a registrar ENT a few years ago he gave me a very comprehensive explanation of why good hydration helps with vertigo. I’ve utterly forgotten the explanation but I do ensure I drink plenty of water!

daverussell profile image
daverussell in reply to Happyrosie

Many thanks Rosie and Meni57. I've been conscious for some time that I should replace my large flask of coffee I take to work. Though I don't drink (or limit) caffeine after midday.

In response to your previous reply, the NICE web site was very helpful. Hopefully some answers when I see the doctor. Though I imagine they'll send me for (another) ENT appointment. Though my symptoms seem relatively mild for Menieres. Definitely needs a professional diagnosis.

Bristolboy5 profile image
Bristolboy5 in reply to daverussell

Try decaf, lay off excess Salt. this helped me.

Mscull-80 profile image

Hi Dave

You have a lot of similar symptoms to myself - I was diagnosed with Menieres in July this year, the dizziness & nausea dates back to 2018. I wear hearing aids over both ears, I have quite severe hearing loss, particularly in my left ear where the scarring on my eardrum has left it completely white, tinnitus comes and goes and varies in intensity. Many blood tests & docs appointments when the symptoms first started, but as with many others, when covid hit there were just no appointments for ENT.

I’ve been prescribed betahistine ( 16mg x 3 daily ) I was told this would combat the low humming & pulse - like tinnitus ( Full ear sensation ) I experienced & it has to an extent - I certainly don’t experience it as frequently as prior to the prescription.

I was also prescribed prochlorperazine/buccal tablets to place at the top of my gums when I started to experience vertigo symptoms. These halt the nausea but personally, I’ve found not much effect upon the vertigo itself - I had an attack of this just yesterday morning which laid me out for around two hours. I find trying to sleep it off the most effective way of making the vertigo going away.

I was told by the consultant at my appointment that unfortunately, menieres needs to be left to run its course - it should eventually burn itself out. The problem being the variance as everyone has different experiences with it. I would say I probably have one or two attacks of vertigo a month, quite intense but less then most people by the sounds of things.

Trying to personally manage this has become a daily thing for me, I started to keep a record in my early experiences of this awful condition, noting everything from my environment to what I had eaten/drank to try and find a pattern for the triggers. For me the recurring things where anxiety triggering tinnitus & then for vertigo - alcohol, exhaustion, stimulants (caffeine) .. but the main one for me appears to be loud noise.

Needless to say I’ve cut out alcohol, caffeine & also started to make sure I get enough sleep, hopefully longer term I’ll see the benefits… I hope you find a way of managing to deal with this too, it’s tough but possible!

All the best,


Bristolboy5 profile image

Just reading your problem I am 71 now and have lived with this since the age of 24, was diagnosed when 27. In The Beginning had no problems with it, was on medication that did not agree with my condition, tried so many until Consultant put me on Serc betahistine 4 a day, Had sickness attacks very often and was like a recluse afraid to leave home. A could happen at anytime. Got so bad come the end had 9 months off work through it. Now touch wood all has levelled off I know if I have a attack just lie down open windows and sleep it off (very rare now) thank goodness. But time you will learn to live with it, lost so much in both ears got aids, and it is good can sleep on night. Wish You well Like I said it will take time. Just hang on in there .

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