Hi All
I first noticed T in my early 30's.
Probably caused by the very loud music I, and everyone else, listened to in the discos of the 70's?
Anyway, I resigned myself to it and coped reasonably well till age 66, when it ramped up to a new, much higher level, caused by some supplements I was taking.
The new higher level really affected me, and sleep was impossible, without benzos. This went on for a few years and I was looking, like everyone else, for a Cure. Nothing found.
So, I tried viewing it in a NEW light, in this way.
Before, I used to think of T as a Noise or Sound that shouldn't be there. And the fact that it WAS there, really affected me.
So, I tried lookng at it from a new Angle.
Are there not 360?
I looked at the 'mechanics' of sound.
Which is very basic. An Event happens that creates Sound waves, these travel all round and our ears pick it up, send it to the brain, which interprets it as the Sound sensation we all know.
However, in the case of T there is NO Event.
A microphone placed next to the ears would record absolutely - nothing.
So, this 'sound' must be imaginary?
And where does it come from?
Must be the Brain?
Which, for whatever reason, has INVENTED the T sound that you then perceive to be a Real sound.
So, the definition of something not real is an ILLUSION or DELUSION!
And I was kicking myself for Paying attention to something that didn't even exist at all, for almost 40 years!
Now, I can honestly say it's GONE!
So, my new and extremely helpful definition for T is this.
T is an just an ILLUSION or DELUSION that the brain has created, for whatever (unimportant) reason. There is NO NOISE OR SOUND at all - It's a figment of our imagination.
It DOESN'T exist.
This new way of viewing T now enables me to sleep without benzos
Good luck all!