A note on amitryptiline: Just thought I'd put... - Tinnitus UK

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A note on amitryptiline

Curlew profile image
21 Replies

Just thought I'd put this in words to those who have been asking about the above medication.

My T has been absolutely horrendous since my holiday in Sept.

Over the last few days I really was getting to that point where it becomes too difficult to keep coping with.I decided to take an amitryptiline before bed last night just to see if it does actually help.

Had a much much quieter day today so to me there is no doubt it helps.

I don't like medication so I try and cope as much as I can without it, but as my GP to,d me, keep it in the cupboard as an insurance policy. It is just good to know that every now and then when it gets too much there is something that seems to help a little.

It helps me stay on track and feel I can have some control over it, no matter how small that is.

Just thought I'd post th S as I know one or two people have been asking about amitryptiline lately.

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Curlew profile image
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21 Replies
Curlew profile image

I must also just say, my GP, a young man, was absolutely wonderful when my T set in. I am convinced he had a large part to play in my initial coping with it down to his positive attitude and help even though they are so limited in what they can do.

Must be quite frustrating at times for GP's knowing how little they can do.

Ingrid-p profile image
Ingrid-p in reply to Curlew

Glad you've had a better day. What dosage do you take. I was on 10mg but it was doubled yesterday to 20mg.

Hopefully mine will quieten too 😊

Take care xx

Curlew profile image
Curlew in reply to Ingrid-p

Just 10mg, but I don't take them often.

Shellipops profile image
Shellipops in reply to Curlew

Hi Mrs,

You cling on to that GP like a limpet. Mine (2 full timers whom I avoid at all costs) and numerous new starts cutting their teeth, none have the foggiest. Saw ENT Consultant last week after a 9 month wait...was in for 15 mins, nothing he could do but I knew that....however at least he was sympathetic and compassionate about it which to me makes a world of difference. He at least acknowledged it existed and how delilitating it can be. I left him feeling better than any other Dr Ive spoken to despite him doing nothing !!.

Glad you have found something that helps when you need it most.

S x

Curlew profile image
Curlew in reply to Shellipops

Yes, Drs understanding and not being almost dismissive about its debilitating effects is no help at all. I told my Dr I have been cognitively impaired by this. Might sound dramatic but it's true. I certainly can't think or concentrate as well as I used to. I just thank my lucky stars I've only got it in later life and not when I was young!

Shellipops profile image
Shellipops in reply to Curlew

Its not dramatic, its TRUE!.....pre T I could multi task for Scotland. Last week I wasted 4 xmas cards as I had forgotten who they were for by the time it came to writing the addresses....Ive now left sealing them till the end !

Curlew profile image
Curlew in reply to Shellipops

Yes, the noise of tinnitus apart these are other reasons why they need to take T and its resulting problems seriously.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Shellipops

I know it’s a sad situation when we lose our mind through Tinnitus , but you did make me laugh so you haven’t lost your sense of humour!, Keep the emails coming, Jenny 😊😊😊

Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to Curlew

Quite agree on the uselessness of blind empathy from practitioners. This becomes more clear when you meet a Doc who knows something about it. There are many clues given within radiology that aren't picked up on by the radiologist who has the same lack of knowledge.

As for cognitive function, it's most important to immerse in challenges like puzzles, crafts or cooking. These things help maintain cognitive function dimensionally. You may find you are actually better at tasks as a result of your sobriety regarding your condition. Your wisdom is stronger in spite of your short term recall.



P.S. The misspellings are what catches me by surprise.

Judyspal profile image
Judyspal in reply to Curlew

I know exactly how you feel , having been diagnosed in the last few months, thankfully I wasn't waiting too long for ENT appointment and great consultant sent me for an MRI scan ,which thankfully was ok then onto hearing rehabilitation,which although acknowledge that there is little medically available apart from sound machines and the like, their is little that can do,it's all about training the brain to accept the new noise as normal,blinking hard to do when it's the loudest buzz ever,but hey,stay positive.

When I first started with T,I couldn't get into see the Dr,so instead opted to see the nurse practitioner, very nice lady, without a clue about T, best advice she could offer was they I needed to zone out from the noise !!

Wringing1212 profile image
Wringing1212 in reply to Shellipops

Maybe doctors don't want to face there demons?

Like with cancer, we are on the brink of break through research, meanwhile the symptom is at epidemic levels. It's the lawyers blocking the clinical advancements at this point. They have some secrets to keep. Which industries are they protecting?

Shellipops profile image
Shellipops in reply to Wringing1212

Hi there,

I think my lot personally are simply not interested...I have more knowledge than most Ive seen but then none have it. If they cant fix it....it's move along please...because then they can treat the elderly gent in after you with a boil on his bum !!

Think my typos are just due to porky fingers 😁!!

Rindybetty profile image

That’s very interesting curlew. I was prescribed amitriptymine but I thought you had to take it every night for it to work. I didn’t realise you could dip in and out of it. I also thought if you stopped it you get withdrawal symptoms such as migraine. I took it fir a while then tried to stop but had such horrendous withdrawal migraines I had to re start after a week. Glad it’s helping you without taking it daily.

HayleyStephens profile image
HayleyStephens in reply to Rindybetty

It depends on what you're using it for. For depression then you're right, it needs to be taken continuously for some time, but for pain and sleep, and it's sedative properties it can be taken when required. I'm not sure about withdrawal symptoms. I would imagine this would mainly occur if it was taken continuously for some time. It is one of the lesser evils for withdrawal in the drug world. I believe if something helps , then take it. Life is short. See my post on prescription meds. My T is mainly triggered by stress. The meds I take are for other health issues x

berry76 profile image

I actually thought amitryptiline had to be taken for at least a fortnight before any calming effect kicked in .... but it is definitely a psychological 'prop' and we need as many of those as we can get! My armoury includes Am., Kalms, St John's Wort, CBD oil, 5-HTR masking hearing aids, & Sounds Oasis, and having lost my husband of 51 years a year ago, times have been a bit gritty .....but keeping busy and looking outside myself has really helped...and only occasionally dipping into the selection!

I hope you all enjoy happy diversion over the Christmas period, and wish you much strength for the future.

Barbara-C profile image

Hi curlew yes my thoughts exactly I would not have coped without it ..take care x

Jimmuck profile image

Like you Curlew, I use amitrip on a need to basis when my t is horrendous. I was on 10mg daily for a while and asked my gp if I could double it safely and she said it would be fine. In fact, I was informed that you can take up to 125 mg daily and it's still considered safe! I sometimes take one tab in the morning and another one before bedtime and I find it helps a lot in calming things down. I occasionally take both tablets at night if I have had a bad day and I sleep like a log which is great, but one odd side effect is they give me very strange dreams!!

Curlew profile image

Yes, it's just knowing there is something that can help at times that is such a huge help really!

We have children, toddlers and babies all starting to arrive for next 3 days 😂😱 Think I'll need a few amitrip by the time they've gone😱😱the awful feeling of dealing with so much noise takes so much joy out of everything 😔 People really do not understand this condition and what it does to people.

A couple of whiskys might help over xmas J.

Hope you have a good time👍

Ingrid-p profile image
Ingrid-p in reply to Curlew

I know exactly what you mean. Everyone around you is unaware of what's going on in your head. I'm lucky that I can sleep well otherwise it would be sheer hell.

Have a few whiskies, I'll be having more than a few wines 🍷🍷🍷 xx

My GP advised that Amyltriptyline needs to be taken regulary to be at all effective as pain relief.

Artee profile image

sorry pal ,been on amitriptyline for some time and never noticed any improvemen on my tinnitus.

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