Antidepressants : Hi again, my doctor has given... - Tinnitus UK

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Dean1405 profile image
13 Replies

Hi again, my doctor has given me fluoxetine to help me calm down and help me cope with tinnitus. I did query the effects and I was expecting to be more anxious etc . My tinnitus is spiking , especially in the middle of the night and I fear it’s doing more harm then good. I have done one week but not sure if I should continue . I am 46 with a supportive wife and daughter but I seem to be falling apart and not coping at all. I have been given hearing aids with white noise generators which I have stopped using for now (white noise) as this was making it worse... I just don’t know what to do next and feel I can’t on

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Dean1405 profile image
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13 Replies
Lynne-H profile image

You must go on Dean because trust me things do get better. Three and a half years ago I felt exactly the same as you do now - that my life was no longer worth living. For six months I was a complete mess. All I wanted was a quick fix and as we all know there isn`t one. Time and acceptance will see you through. Things that helped me - support group, counselling and most of all success stories - I read and re-read every success story I could find. Gave me hope and helped me to know that there were others who started out the same as me and then managed to get their lives back. I can`t help with regards to the fluoxetine as I can`t take anti depressants, but I believe that with them, things do get worse before they get better.

I know it`s hard but just keep going day to day and you will get there in the end.

Lynne xx

Dean1405 profile image
Dean1405 in reply to Lynne-H

Thank you Lynne. It’s been an awful 5 months for my new right and head tinnnitus. I had habituated to my left ear years ago but this is back also and has changed sounds which has been a constant . I’m just very scared at the moment but so many posts give me hope .

Curlew profile image

Hello Dean, I'm sorry to hear you are struggling. I got severe and loud tinnitus 8 months ago and believe me in the beginning I thought everything was over, just at a time when life should have been good for my hubby and I. For a couple of months I was completely floored by it, the Dr gave me Ativan and amitripyline. I didn't take the Ativan and the amitryptiline I use on very rare occasions when I've had a particularly bad day. I felt I didn't want to start taking medication as I felt I would be giving myself another problem further down the rd, but for some people I think they are probably necessary in the early days.

What I started to do after the initial difficult stage was to 'fake it till I make it'. Might sound silly, but I forced myself through everyday life pretending it was normal until after a while I started to find things became easier to a point where although I hear my loud and constant T 24/7 somehow it just seems to be becoming the background noise to my life and doesn't debilitate me as much as in the early stages. I am nowhere near 'normal'😉, but I would say I have got my life back 70% normality. I hope this just keeps improving. The NHS audiologist who is absolutely lovely gave me hearing aids with masking noise, but I don't have any hearing loss and I found the extra noise irritating, but again some find it comforting and helpfull. With this condition I don't really think there us any right or wrong way to go but to do whatever you feel suits you best.

Try and keep your chin up, we all know how hard it is, and you probably won't believe it, but as many others have said it does become easier, it just takes time and patience.

Take care.


Dean1405 profile image
Dean1405 in reply to Curlew

Thank you Curlew, I appreciate your response , it makes me fight on. I think my tablets have upset the brain for a while. I hope you continue to get better.

Best wishes

Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to Curlew

Hi Curlew,

Pretending was one of the things I did too - I used to say to myself "I don`t mind this noise" or "I like this noise". Sounds ridiculous I know, but I too am now at the point where my tinnitus is no longer the first thing I think about when I wake in the morning and my life has returned to normal.

Pleased to hear that you are doing ok too.

Lynne xx

Jojo313 profile image

Hi Dean, I’m 15 months in screeching 24/7 , I also have the wobbles, have been told it was Labyrinthitis then Ménière’s then Vestibular migraine now MdDS, have no faith at all in ent, they are useless in my case, however my audiologist gave me white noise maskers in August last year and whilst they do not always ‘mask’ without them I’m not convinced I’d be here! Keep trying with them, I was resisting them to start but now apart from the odd itch they are my friends 🤢😇

hazyfan profile image

Hi Dean, i am 44 I am 2 month in to this and had a near breakdown at xmas. this has really turned my life upsidedown I am 4 weeks on the anti depressants and they have helped lift my mood, I also excising most days, i am finding swimming is helping as its a whole body based exercise, I am just existing one day at time at the mo, still don't feel right in my head, think its still shock / trauma have 2 half year old, so as much as I hate life at the moment, ill fight on as I believe it will get better to live with in time, or I we will cope better with it, best Hazy

starshine53 profile image

Hi Dean,white noise will not help with Tinnitus and you're right to give up on it. What is important is your own attitude to the noise for two reasons: 1. If you can develop a positive attitude the noise will lessen and :2 you will habituate quicker and be back to your old self again. Tinnitus is stress related, cure the stress and anxiety and your on the right.I know this is difficult but in time you will understand there is no other way through. I went through Hell and all the way back round again in my first 3 months but things do get better after this point. The only suggestion I have for you is to ask your GP for a different sedative for the stress( Amatriptyline is the best for Tinnitus

All the best Dean.

Dean1405 profile image
Dean1405 in reply to starshine53

Hi , thanks for responding . It’s now been 5 months of hell and I have 6 sounds with the most severe being in the hiss in my right ear. I’m trying so hard to keep positive but I had to stop work for the last few weeks as I broke down in the office. I take amtriptyline and now fluxotine .

I’m at the point of despair . My left ear has an alarm clock, drone and a flu sound and the left has hiss with a whining sounds.

I had some good days last week but this weeek is hell and I’m sure the antidepressant is making it worse .

My wife is losing her patience and I’ve almost stopped functioning.

Sorry for the long response .


starshine53 profile image
starshine53 in reply to Dean1405

Hi Dean ! I remember not long after developing Tinnitus and Hyperacusis my wife and I booked a Holiday Cottage by the Sea in Northumberland and,to our surprise the noise in my head completely went silent ? I was,to say the least, astonished, at hearing silence and feeling at peace with myself again. The week long Holiday location was in a cottage overlooking the Beach at Eyemouth near Berwick on Tweed. Furthermore, the time of year was October the weather was stormy sometimes with with a few sunny days also. I remember putting down my luck at hearing silence again to ION pure air from the sea and the Tranquil laping of the Tide near our Cottage but I was to later discover this was only half the story when we got back home.

After arriving home I got hit once again with Tinnitus and its side kick Hyperacusis the second I put my foot in our hallway and it hasn't stopped since. But I did go back to the Cottage location for a day and agsin no noise was heard,the silence was wonderfull, refreshing and a sheer joy to immerse my whole self into. But why should location have a bearing on my Tinnitus ? Why near the Sea ? Why is our home the source of Tinnitus ? I think it could be electrical nature with a possibility of an acoustic element, Furthermore, we have young neighbours who play music in a large Lounge creating an acoustic vibration through the walls to us.Only a theory so far.And yes,we are moving house this coming summer.

I hope this helps you a little. I am sure some of the noise your hearing might be Hyperacusis as well as Tinnitus, I have heard of some people who after treatment for Hyperacusis found that their Tinnitus stopped also. So don't give up hope.

Best Wishes.

Dean1405 profile image
Dean1405 in reply to starshine53

Hi, thanks for your response , it’s good to hear positive stories.

Re Hyperacusis, I don’t seem to have any intolerance to sound but I firmly believe mine is a build up of long term stress and anxiety. I have a demanding job which does not help.

Having now had 3 weeks off work I feel calmer and have had some reduction in sound which is positive . I think my antidepressants are working but I have stopped using white noise on my hearing aids and just play natural sound when I’m a sleep which has stopped my awful head hiss .

I have a long way to go but there have been changes which gives me hope. I’m also havi hypnotherapy which is keeping me positive .

I hope your house move diminishes your tinnitus.

Best wishes


starshine53 profile image
starshine53 in reply to Dean1405

Thanks for your reply and glad to hear of your hopeful mindset.It is important to keep that going as you will slowly Habituate given enough time. As for Hyperacusis, it can take many disguises and it took me sometime to find out I had the condition. For example, it started off when our young neighbours played weird music ( external source ) but after they left the noise in my head was still there ? At that point I thought it must be Tinnitus as no other family member could hear it,only me ? However,to my surprise I discovered the sound coming from our local supermarket and the Restaurant beside its air conditioned fan unit was identical to my head sound. Worryingly I am able to hear existing external sound other people can't hear. And the source is a fifth of a mile from our house !

The reason I thought you had Hyperacusis was the range of sound you discribed,which I have also. Thankfully at nighttime my sound generator which I have attached two loud speakers completly masks my Hyperacusis.As for my Tinnitus,that's just an occasional nuisance from time to time as my Brain has learnrd to ignore it.

Any nice to hear your new positive attitude. Good luck Dean.

Dean1405 profile image
Dean1405 in reply to starshine53

Hi . I havnt reay ever consider Hyperacusis but I am begging to wonder . I am puzzled why my left ear sound has changed after 13 years to so many sounds and assumed due to my newly Aquired right and head tinnitus that my brain had gone heywire .

I am struggling again today as I have so much noise going on. I continue to wear my hearing aids as I have low frequency hearing loss but not with the white noise as this was making my tinnitus worse.

When I calm I cope better but although I have habituated to my original left ear tinnitus, I am fearing I won’t with so many sounds gong on. The joy of life has really been sucked out of me but as a husband and father I try and remain positive but it’s so hard . He last 5 months have really tested me and I seem to have had a major setback today . I have a really good day yesterday and the ups and downs are draining me .

Sorry for the long post but it helps to speak out .

Best wishes


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