I've been informed by my GP and resp team that I have pseudomonas (non-colonised!). I'm going back on a/b for 14 days - ciprofloxacin but not sure what is meant by non-colonised! Is this a good or bad thing?
pseudomonas non-colonised???? - Bronchiectasis Su...
pseudomonas non-colonised????
I have pseudomonas and nebulise antibiotics daily to keep it away. I’ve never heard of non colonised. I was told it lurks in the corners or my lungs waiting to come out and party. I’d repost this question in the lung conditions community where there’s many knowledgeable people. Good luck I hope the cipro works for you.
non-colonised is good, it means your pseudomonas infection could be a one-off. I had it when I was about 20 & took cipro & then no problems for years, but I’m sorry to say if you have a progressive lung condition it nearly always comes back & colonises the lungs. This just means it’s always present, but at low levels, and you need treatment to keep the levels low. Many people with bronchiectasis use nebulised colistin to suppress it and in my own experience it works well. But of course it’s best to keep your lungs in tip top shape to avoid colonisation for as long as possible! So, efficiently clearing the sputum from lungs, lots of exercise, avoid chest infections etc