Is anyone aware of any stats out there on this?
As a rough figure, around 12,000 liver related deaths per year, and around 900 transplants - roughly 7%, of transplanted divided by deaths
Going on what is available, c.40% of deaths are ages 65+, with arld deaths accounting for the most (rightly or wrongly I’m assuming most of these groups don’t reach assessment stage). Obviously will be some double counting here as well
Typically, 90% of people who get on the list successfully have a transplant, and so if you can make it on the list the odds are well in your favour
A 7% chance of transplant sounds really low, but I’m interested in what that figure more realistically is when you remove those that for whatever reason never get to or past assessment?
Apologies for the morbid nature of the post, but quite disheartening at face value for those who may need to go down that route at some stage