I I need to know weather I have Cirrhosis. So I can move forward this not knowing is really messing with me. I have ask for a biopsy. But just dosnt seem to be happening. Even though the Consultant has told me that its the only way to really tell 😕I have changed my diet lost over a stone since August and my fibroscan came down from 19Kpa to 10Kpa and I'm doing everything in my power to bring it down more. Gone form its fatty liver to being told its Cirrhosis then being told its not Cirrhosis that it is just fatty liver fibrosis now they don't know if it cirrhosis. This has gone on for 2 years I just need to know once a know I can work on dealing with it and moving forward instead of being in limbo. Feel like I'm on a rollacoster
Confused and riddle with Anxiety - British Liver Trust
Confused and riddle with Anxiety

That report says you have both significant fatty liver(steatosis) and significant scarring but not currently at a level that would be considered cirrhosis. Biopsy isn't generally used to confirm cirrhosis but rather to identify cause and they have labelled yours as Metabolic Disfunction Associated Steatoic Liver Disease (MASLD). Your weight loss has helped bring your numbers down and continued healthy diet, exercise and weight loss is the treatment plan going forward.
There is positive news there (no portal hypertension, no ongoing inflammation) but also a lot of continued hard work to do to stop things creeping into full on cirrhosis.
It sounds to me like the scarring was found before cirrhosis and that you are working to reverse it. I would take that as good news and continue with healthy living to improve further.