hi diagnosed with cirrhosis march 23 because I was drinking to much , although not being a alcoholic I stop drinking instantly and not drank since, just wondering if a couple of drinks now and then will kill me off!! Am talking like 2 glasses of wine a month or maybe a couple of lagers,?
alcohol: hi diagnosed with cirrhosis... - British Liver Trust
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If you have liver cirrhosis, you should stop drinking alcohol. You can find more information here:
Best wishes
British Liver Trust
Please don't return to old ways, if you look back how poorly you were when you had decompensated cirrhosis there is no way you want to risk going back there. Taking any amount of alcohol now could risk decompensating your liver again PLUS should that end up taking you into transplant territory you could delay your acceptance for transplant assessment.
you may be ok for a while, but each drink will likely do more damage until you decompensate. Or one more could put you into acute liver failure. From someone who tried to play the game, and suffered and still am from it, it’s not worth it.
Hi I have just been reading your posts, when I said a drink I ment one or 2 once a month or 2 month not going back to my old habits, I was not dependable on drink I instantly quit march 23 with no issues at all, I just have a couple of occasions coming up in the next year and wondered if one or 2 at most would end me up back in hospital, obviously no one can answer this as we all different but thought I would ask if anyone has the very rare odd tipple
My advice would be to stay away. It's up to you though. But you cant say you havent been warned.
As others have said…do not touch alcohol with cirrhosis. The cirrhotic liver is particularly sensitive to alcohol and even a small amount can cause damage. I have cirrhosis and was seriously ill when I was first diagnosed nearly 4 years ago. I quit alcohol and have recovered to a point where I live a normal life…but without any alcohol. I personally equate a glass of wine to an ICU bed these days. I’m in no hurry to return to one! I wouldn’t consider risking my health which I’ve fought hard to get back for alcohol…however occasional.
You don't have to be rolling in the gutter to be reliant on alcohol!Alcoholic is an unfortunate term that you don't associate with yourself.
If your thoughts turn to alcohol and you feel uncomfortable in situations where others are drinking then you do have an alcohol problem.
HelloCongratulations on not drinking alcohol for all this time.
I would say, do not drink even just a couple as it may (likely will) lead you down the rabbit hole again. As an ex drinker (although drink is not the cause of my cirrhosis but probably didn't help!), I know how hard it is to stop at one or two.
You don't want to become more ill again.
Just my suggestion - as has been said, it is your decision, we are all here to support you.
Best wishes
Depends how much you love life.