Hello allI had a rocket drain installed on Monday (3 days ago). I have pain & swelling in the area but also pain internally.
If there is anyone here who can comment - is it normal to have pains?
Hello allI had a rocket drain installed on Monday (3 days ago). I have pain & swelling in the area but also pain internally.
If there is anyone here who can comment - is it normal to have pains?
Dear c3c31iaML,
Use NHS 111 if you think you need medical help right now. They can direct you to the best place to get help if you cannot contact your GP during the day, or when your GP is closed (out of hours).
Call 111 if you have complex problems caused by an existing medical condition, have a care plan from your doctor for your current health, or need to get end-of-life care.
Best wishes,
British Liver Trust
Hi Cecelia,I am sorry that you have required a Rocket drain fitted. My husband has one also, initially he had swelling around the site wound and a lot of pain. This did reduce after time. If there is any signs of infection redness please seek advice. We have the District nurses visit every other day to drain the ascitic fluid, they are very good.
Internally he also had pain. We were told that it depends on where the drain is sitting as in the beginning it can move and touch your internal organs.
Please speak to your hepatology team, specialist nurses if you continue to have concerns.
Best wishes A x
Thank you so much for your reply. I hope your husband is doing well.The pain has eased and no sign of infection. I have seen a district nurse twice so far, and they have also reassured me the pain at the site of fitting will subside.
I think it'll all be OK, but will take your advice to consult hepatology if anything is worrying me.
Best wishes