Hi, started itching in June 2024. Went to a doctor who did LFT and all normal so told probably something else then GP did not pursue it. Tests were alp, ast, alt, bilirubin, albumin, globulin, ferritin, lympocites and creatinine. Felt relieved as seemed pretty comprehensive and all okay.
About 8 years ago I was told fatty liver. Lost 3 stone and told.it had gone away after tests. Weight crept back up and here I am again but this time itchy. Was not before. Just turned 49.
Itching got worse and went back to GP December 2024. Blood tests showed normal ALP and ast but ALT 108 and they did GGC (not done before) and it was 151.
Been reading online and very worried. NHS own website says cirrhosis but other sites say itching can be at any stage of liver disease?!??. Google AI seems to say i am very seriously ill. Confused by the conflicting info but presumably nhs is the right site to follow?
Seeing a specilist in mid Janruary and googling telling me that itching all over for 6 months means I have cirrhosis. Wondering if that is likely to be true and if so what the likely prognosis is?
Been reading forums of people saying they are okay 15 to 20 years later?
Does itching mean my liver is seriously damaged or could it be less advanced and if so can it be fixed?
Wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and how they are getting on?