I have decompensate liver cirrhosis. Having treatment and taking all the advice and medication, trying to loose a bit of weight and eat well. My problem is I need to have three teeth out, very loose and gone very crooked after loosing one. The dentist has all my information and seems happy to go ahead but my nurse specialist seem to think it might be a problem. Has anyone any experience of tooth extraction as I really need to get something sorted. They look unsightly. Any tips
Dentist: I have decompensate liver... - British Liver Trust

I have compensated cirrosis and have needed teeth extracting. My dentist would only remove one because it was badly infected. She said she had never seen a tooth as bad. For. The others I had to be referred to the hospital dentist which takes months to be seen. I had to have bloods taken the day before because my platelets are low. This is the worry. The latest blood test at the hospital revealed a result of 41. The hospital cut off point is 50 but because it was a straight forward extraction, they decided to remove. Apparently,. I have another tooth that needs to be removed and they have stated that because this will require drilling etc, they will give me blood prior to the extraction.
I found the hospital experience to be highly efficient.
my son has decompensated cirrhosis and recently had 5 very bad teeth extracted . He gave the dentist a list of his medication and recent blood results . His platelet count was 151 - just in the normal range (150-450) white blood count 3.9 ( 4-0 - 11.0 ) . Everything was ok . Hope you manage to get it sorted . Regards Carol
Sorry your having troubles. Teeth are a nuisance. I think the best thing would be to check with liver team/specialist, unless the nurse you refer too is your liver nurse then maybe ask your consultant. The problem is 'clotting' as a poorly liver can prevent your blood cloting and therefore your gums healing. Infected teeth do have to be removed because again a poorly liver doesn't like infections and your immune system will struggle. Hubbie had to have a broken tooth extracted but he was compensated at the time. He had a blood test to check his clotting.
My husband has decompensated cirrhosis and recently had 5 teeth out. His dentist is a bit of a butcher and he bled quite a bit but it settled down after a few days. The main things to be aware of are bleeding and infection. Hope all goes well for you.
I have compensated cirrhosis and had an extraction on Monday. Obvious thing to be mindful of is infection and pain control. I was told to swill with a warm saline solution for up to five times a day. This helps reduce soreness, keeps the wound clean and promotes healing. For pain relieve speak to your health professional, but in general ibuprofen should be avoided, a low dose of paracetamol should be ok.
Hope all goes well.
Hello! I was diagnosed and was decompensated about 1.5 years ago. Just after, I thought it'd be a great idea to get ALL my teeth removed as I wanted implants. The liver nurse said that local anaesthetic was OK, just no general. So I went ahead, getting 4 out every week or so. The dentist had never had a patient that bled so much and her new trainee dental assistant had to leave the room on sight of the blood. So that's one thing to watch out for.If you're ever in doubt, just ask your consultant or liver nurses. They were on speed dial for me for quite a while, I'm surprised they didn't block me! But, as my dad always says, there are no stupid questions, so keep asking!
Oh, and with no teeth, I obviously couldn't eat, so my consultant gave me a prescription for Fresubin/Ensure, so I was still getting the nutrition I needed. Maybe something else to think about.
Hope it all goes well!
I have had many extractions, most done at oral surgery at hospital, 1st : im and anxious patient anyway and 2nd even though my platelets are normal I did not want to risk any unforseen issues It really is a discussion between yourself and your dentist beforehand
My very best wishes