Hi everyone. First of all thank you to all of you in this group. It is such a valuable source of information and comfort.
In May I had a fibrosis test. This was the result of blood tests taken after I caught a terrible virus at the end of last year that kept me really ill until the following March. My blood test showed a liver concern and due to me admitting I was partial to a few glasses of wine every evening I was referred for a scan. It came back with a devastating score of 35 and my life very much changed. Based on advice from this group I not only stopped my wine habit but also embraced the mediterranean diet and started to go to the gym after many years of not doing so although I had always been fairly active through work.
Then more tests. I have now had an endoscopy which showed no issues at all. I have had a whole bank of blood tests that all came back completely normal. I have had a CT scan which showed my liver to be fine. I had a partially collapsed lung which was put down to the earlier virus. Today I have had an ultrasound scan on my liver to check for signs of cancer and also look at the health of the liver. I have been told not only is there no signs of cancer but also no cirrhosis and possibly a small amount of fibrosis but he couldn’t be sure about that. My liver looks pretty good for a man in his early 50's.
So why the huge fibrosis scan result? Could it be an error? They had a tough time getting a result due to my ribs being too close together and in the end had to call in a second person to have a go at it. I desperately want to hope that all of this good news offsets the fibrosis result but am I being naive here? I don't intend to change my new lifestyle. I have embraced it to be honest, much to my surprise.
Has anyone got any thoughts on this? I am now waiting for today's results to go to my specialist who will write to me about it. Sorry to ramble on but if anyone knows about this stuff it's you guys.
Thanks 😃
Edited to give more detail about the possible amount fibrosis in todays scan