I recently diagnosed with esophagus varies grade 1. Doctor also told me I have compensated cirrhosis with low platelets and high bilirubin and low albumin. My question is, can these conditions will improve? If not ,what is my life expectancy? If anyone can share their knowledge.
Esophagus varies grade 1: I recently... - British Liver Trust
Esophagus varies grade 1

Have they identified the cause of your cirrhosis? If that condition is controlled then there is every chance of some degree of improvement. Have they put you onto beta blockers to control your portal hypertension? (Something like propanolol, carvedilol).
Don't fret about life expectancies, people can live for many, many years with well compensated cirrhosis - the issues arise if it becomes decompensated.
Your doctors should monitor you regularly for any signs of worsening - 6 monthly scans and 6 monthly bloods as a minimum.
There are many folks on here who have had cirrhosis for many years - others have gone on to transplant so even if your condition worsens that could potentially be a route for treatment.
Thanks Katie,mine is alcohol related cirrhosis. I quit alcohol while back ,almost 4 months. My doc here in USA didn't give me any medicine. I was told to stay away from alcohol. Follow regular diet,I am not a heavy meat eater. I have edema in my both ankles. My eyes are slightly yellow. My bilirubin, albumin,PT,INR are .1 to .3 up from upper and lower (albumin) .2 so do I have compensated or decompensated cirrhosis? My doc will monitor me regularly. Thanks again.
Oedema would tend to point more towards decompensated BUT all is not lost, as you are now sober (keep it up) it is often possible to return a decompensated liver to a compensated state. It is early in your journey with this being so recently diagnosed.
As you've been told, eat well, stay alcohol free.
The British Liver Trust has very good information on cirrhosis at:- britishlivertrust.org.uk/in...
There is also dietary information for the condition on a drop down menu at the side of the cirrhosis page.
That gives me hope, new here and recently diagnosed cirrhosis, decompensated, no varices but do have portal hypertension gastrophy. Drank excessively many years ago, very rarely for the last 4/5 years, like literally, 2/3 times a year, then only a glass of wine. Nothing at all since Xmas 2023, long before diagnosis, just went off it, didn’t want it anymore. Specialist told me on Friday prognosis is anywhere between 6 months and 5 years with no chance of reversing the decompensation. Trying very hard to not think about it and stay positive, but not easy.
It is absolutely possible to go from decompensated to compensated - my hubby did so for 9 years after initislly bring diagnosed with decompensated with a variceal bleed, phg and deranged bloods 2012 - listed for t/p 2014, delisted 2015 because he was too well for t/p. Got all the way to about this time last year when he became more ill again and has subsequently gone on to have a transplant in June.
I hope he’s doing well, thank you for answering. It’s amazing, because they all tell you it’s impossible, but here and there I am starting to hear about some really good results. Can I just ask, how old was hubby when they did the t/p? Though of course you don’t have to answer that, I hear there is an age limit?