Hi. I have an HCC tumour diagnosed in March and no new symptoms so far due to the small size. Last week I had an evening with an upset stomach and last night I had a low grade temperature with chills for a few hours. I am wondering if anyone has had similar symptoms?
Low grade temperature and upset stomac... - British Liver Trust
Low grade temperature and upset stomach with HCC?

I had a tumour without symptoms for 9 months (that I knew about). I don't think, however, that my experience has any bearing on your situation. I think a quick chat with your hepatologist might be worth while. Failing easy access, try your GP who may be able to advise.
I also had a smallish HCC for a year or more and no symptoms...it was discovered in the course of regular Hep C blood testing and that a year later than it should have been.
I understand that is one of the bad things about HCC, it causes no severe symptoms apart from possible fatigue and feeling not too good, when jaundice orserious sickness happens, its by then too late....
What you describe seems to be unrelated, and two separate things, perhaps first something you ate, and then a mild "flu-like" bug.
No doubt you are being monitored and will be offered treatment of one kind or another as appropriate; I wouldn't worry too much about these little upsets, which normally you'd probably just shrug off and carry on as normal.
If you have more of the same, then do contact your GP or Consultant.
Like Mike8702 i also had HCC with no symptoms. Unfortunately you will catch bugs/viruses/infections same as everyone else. As others have said, contact GP.
Thanks everyone I visited a GP today and she thinks the recent one was a virus. Perhaps I am more vulnerable than usual. My RFA date has come through now for Thursday next week so I hope this is going to go well and be a solution. I am keeping positive but nervous about the recovery.
You are very lucky to have had this caught in time.
All The Best for the RFA, you will be fine!
Thanks liveronmymind.