Hi there. I was taking absolute collagen daily until I recently saw a health practitioner to think about all the ways I can improve my liver health (i stopped drinking in April after a fibrosis diagnosis, high bilirubin count etc, elevated ELT and started a non processed food diet etc) and she told me to stop taking collagen as it is not good for people with liver disease as the liver has to process it. Anyone else had this or know about it? She also suggested stopping the pure milk thistle tablets same reason. Thank you
Collagen and the liver?: Hi there. I was... - British Liver Trust
Collagen and the liver?

Hi and first of all congratulations on staying off alcohol for so long, well done you and while I can’t comment on collagen as I’ve never taken it, I was told in no uncertain terms by my hep doctor not to take milk thistle unless in its natural form, in short no over the counter so-called liver health capsules. The only things recommended to me by doctors has been vitamin supplements like Vit D, Thiamine etc. which I was first prescribed with as my body was depleted of such vits, but to only take them until they returned to normal levels which they now have. I used to take a multi vit which my doctor OK’d, but now I’m finding I’m getting everything I need from food sources so don’t take anything really, can you not increase your own collagen levels from natural food sources? I understand why people do take such supplements as they can help with muscle issues for example, but with a damaged liver, it’s a fine line between what may help you with some issues and what may cause further damage to the liver. It’s like whack-a-mole liver disease, you fix one issue only for another to occur, all seemingly linked to one another. A hep doctor or grastro doctor is ideally the best placed person to seek advice from regarding such supplements. Good luck and take care.