Evening all. Recently requested bloods from my Dr due to having lost 3st in weight over the last 6 months (intentional through diet and exercise) I am now a healthy bmi and wanted to recheck my cholesterol levels. They also did LFT bloods and my ALT has reduced over the last few years from a high of 41 a couple of years ago to now being 13. I have also gone from a daily drinker 2 years ago to around 3 times per month (and always within weekly recommended limits). My question is an ALT of 13 is only just above the low end of the reference range of 10, is this something I should keep an eye on or is this due to weight loss and moderate drinking?
ALT reducing: Evening all. Recently... - British Liver Trust
ALT reducing

Well done on all ypur lifestyle changes and weight loss etc. Brilliant news on it reflecting in your bloods.
ALT is good - 41 wasn't bad either. Don't give yourself anything to worry about. If it's normal i.e. anywhere within range then it's good.
Keep up the good work.
Katie is right. An ALT of 13 is outstanding. This is not something that should concern you. Of course, I am NOT a doctor, but I know that doctors are only worried about ALT (for the most part) when the number really goes up high. Even 41 is a good score.
Keep up the weight loss, it's also good for your heart and overall wellbeing.
Well done you…fantastic result. As long as bloods are in normal range there’s nothing to worry about. Keep doing what you’re doing. 👍
Generally speaking, ALT and other liver function tests less than 3 times the upper normal limit are acceptable, as they vary according to a wide variety of factors e.g. viral infection. So your ALT is fine.
On the alcohol front, just be aware of the current WHO statement concerning cancer risk found here who.int/europe/news/item/04...
The idea that there is a safe level is a fallacy, and a product of compromise between government and the drinks industry.
I am not necessarily advocating a nonalcoholic policy, but believe people should have all the facts, not just a sociopolitically modified version, before they make fully informed choices around lifestyle.
Hi Darwin. Firstly can I say I wish you all the best in your recovery, I have read your story which is very moving. I take on board your comments regarding there being no safe limit, I am currently educating myself on all of the negative impacts as it was something I did not have my eyes open to before.
hello. One would hope and presume your reduced ALT levels are a direct response to your healthy lifestyle choices, so congratulations! Certainly a fatty liver and alcohol consumption may have been the explanation for your historical results.
Since your result is within the expected range, then there is probably no cause for concern. A lower than expected result can in a few cases be due to a kidney problem, which I presume your GP will have excluded with screening blood tests, or possibly a vitamin B6 deficiency. If you are concerned then discuss these possibilities with your GP.
hi Darwin, thank you for the reply. My kidney function has always been good, not tested in the last bloods but was in May and all as it should be. Interesting on the B6 deficiency, I do take a Vit B supplement but I can’t recall having ever had my blood levels checked this past few years.
How are you getting on?
All well thanks. Transplant was just over 4 weeks ago, and liver function is now normal. Weekly reviews for another 2 weeks, then, all things being equal, drop to fortnightly, which might even be telephone consultations.