Hi Everyone. I was just wondering if anyone, or if anyone knows of anyone, who has both Cirrhosis and Pulmonary Hypertension? Apparently Portal Hypertension can cause, or contribute towards Pulmonary Hypertension. I've made the mistake [again] of going on google to research Pulmonary Hypertension [I've got my head around the cirrhosis, thanks to the lovely people on this forum., and all the help and advice you have given me]. Worse thing i could have done, though, starting on the google thing again in regards to Pulmonary Hypertension....2 - 3 years to live some posts said, whilst others said that it is incurable [like cirrhosis], but could be managed with medication etc to prolong life. I'm still yet to see my heart specialist - that's next Tuesday. I ended up in the Emergency Department with chest pain [ended up being a severe panic attack, I felt like such a fool]. Anxiety is so bad I can't leave the house, and I ended up calling Lifeline today, looking for strategies on how to cope with my anxiety etc. I was just beside myself. Any help/encouragement/advice would be so appreciated. Thank you so much.
Liver Cirrhosis and Pulmonary Hyperten... - British Liver Trust
Liver Cirrhosis and Pulmonary Hypertension

Hi Puddy, hope you're feeling a bit better today. First of all dont feel a fool going to hosp with chest pains. It happened to me in the past and they said not to worry as it's good to be safe than sorry. They didn't mind at all. Also if you feel panicky breathing into a paper bag is calming and slows the breathing down. Then see 5 things, hear 4 things, touch 3 things, smell 2 things and taste 1 thing. Hope this helps. Hugs to you.
Thank you so much for your lovely reply, Jtwin. I will definitely try your suggestions when I feel my next attack coming on. God Bless.
Always with my disclaimer that this isn't medical advice, but is based on being a long term carer. Please don't scare yourself. Dr Google is very tempting but not very reliable.
The people who are monitoring your condition know how to manage the issues you have and there are good treatments that are very effective, especially when supported by any lifestyle changes they suggest. My practical suggestion is to always take a full, up to date record, of your medication with you to every appointment. It helps everyone understand what's going on and understand the bigger picture of what might need to changed or adjusted. As an example, my partner started to suffer with dizziness and some minor tweaks to the dose and timing of a couple of medicines solved that really quickly, but they had been prescribed by different people at different times so we needed to help the professionals 'join up the dots'. Hope that helps in a small way. Andy
Hello puddy68 , I think I mentioned in an earlier message about my hubbie not coping with his diagnosis etc. He saw a counsellor (someone to let off steam too) who dealt with life changing illnesses and his GP put him on citolapram (low dose) for 6 months to help with the panick attacks. He had decompensated liver at the time. It doesn't work for everyone but maybe a trip to gp? Also we nolonger use dr google..... only liver trust and nhs websites. Everyone is different so scary google really doesn't help. We only use it to interpret results or understand meanings of words. Anxiety is an illness in its self so dont feel foolish or apologise. Hugs x
Hello Puddy,
I've just joined, this is my first reply! I can't help on the main issue, but you mentioned panic attacks. I've had anxiety for years with repeated terrifying panic attacks. I'll share what a lovely nurse told me when I had one prior to an endoscopy. I was saying over and over "I'm sorry, I feel so pathetic". She replied "don't ever apologise for how you feel. If you feel someone is judging you, sod them. They aren't you and they don't know what it's like."🙂
I totally sympathise as I also have both conditions along with diabetes. I have now been put forward for the TIPS procedure. I know its not without risk....I know every medical procedure has risk but I am prepared for this as I want some quality of life back. At the moment I have ascites which comes back within a days of drainage. I an so very lucky to have a wonderful Hepatology team who are very straight with me and incredibly supportive Try not to consult Dr Google too much.
Good luck..