I am looking for advice from anyone taking cbd oil with liver cirrhosis. I have recently read that cbd oil could help reduce the scarring ? I am unsure if this could be atol possible , Any advice please ?
Liver cirrhosis/CBD Oil : I am looking... - British Liver Trust
Liver cirrhosis/CBD Oil

The best person to speak to about this would be your medical team or GP.
The problem with CBD oil is that a lot of the research out there about it isn't exactly high quality, and when you Google "CBD oil and cirrhosis" almost all of the articles about it are from companies who sell the stuff.
Personally I think at best it might help with pain and maybe seizures, and that the jury is out on everything else.
My daughter suggested CBD oil to me for my upper ribcage pain, but I will ask my consultant on my visit in 2 weeks. I have googled it but no unbiased info there.
Hi, my brother took CBD during the last few months of his life and it seemed to help with any pain he had. Luckily, he wasn't in any pain at all when he died. All the best.
Hi Jacq1976
There is not enough evidence to prove or disprove any success with CBD products in liver disease. We would suggest that you discuss this in detail with your own liver specialist who is best placed to safely advise you.
Here is the NHS link
Best wishes
My son bought me cbd oil as I have AIH, cirrhosis and fibromyalgia and can't now take painkillers. I meant to ask my hepatologist last week but I forgot to. I would be interested to hear what other peoples doctors advise.
Hey Jacq1976: I'm interested in hearing what your GP has to say. If you do end up needing to take more than 1,000mg of CBD oil per month you could qualify for a membership at familyhempsource.com -- it's a website that's devoted to making high-quality, CBD more affordable to help families. Best of luck!