Hi, three weeks ago I had a Fibroscan in a mobile community testing van, the result was a reading of 15.1. The nurse suggested cirrhosis of the liver and said a referral for a CT scan was appropriate. I hadn't heard anything for two weeks, as you can imagine, I was beside myself with worry, I phoned and explained to my doctor what had happened, he had me in for blood tests and all of them have come back normal. Can you help me with a explanation please? Am I safe to drink alcohol keeping within the recommended limit? Kind regards, Karen.
Blood test results : Hi, three weeks... - British Liver Trust
Blood test results
I've got cirrhosis. All my bloods up to diagnosis were normal. Was being treated for acid reflux for 2.5 years, then boom...jaundice, edema and sickness out of the blue. Fibroscan confirmed cirrhosis with KpA score of 73.4!! All ultrasounds performed up until then showed nothing. So, you can't rely on blood tests alone. Give up alcohol immediately. It's the only way forward. Don't be scared. It's not a death sentence, but a serious condition that only you can manage with a healthy diet and complete abstinence. Good luck. X

No the blood tests aren’t. I still don’t understand how I can go from normal tests every year and then in a matter of 2 years get abnormal results that basically said my liver was wrecked!
Sorry you are going through this right now and a high fibro scan score can mean a number of things, if the liver is enflamed and hurting due to excess alcohol consumption for example, it can lead to a high fibro scan score and may need time without alcohol or other causes of damage to the liver removed first before the doctors can say for certain whether it’s cirrhosis or not. You will obviously require a lot more tests and further investigation by your doctors and I hope you get them and soon and that you can reduce your liver stiffness levels.
It can be done, I’m living proof of that. I can’t tell anyone not to drink, but if you do, you will only damage your liver further and lowering that fibro scan score won’t be possible if you continue to drink, even in moderation. I lowered mine from 22.2kpa to a 9, I was hospitalised with jaundice, ascites, an extreme fatty liver, alcohol hepatitis and likely decompensated cirrhosis March 2023, I’ve been sober since and today my doctor says I now likely have moderate fibrosis which is still scarring, but not cirrhosis. Good luck and take care.
Ok, just to give you some perspective. I have compensated cirrohis diagnosed at 38 but started at 37. I was a drinker, heavy for 2 years during Covid. I gave it up as soon as I was alerted I damaged my liver. If I didn’t I would definitely be pushing daisies and not writing this.
Here’s the very important part. My KPA was 18.8 and they knew right then I had cirrhosis. I’m telling you this because I promise you if you think you’re confused now and have anxiety never drink again. Asking if you can still drink alcohol is 100% something I would have asked if I didn’t have the head gastrointestinal surgeon look right at me and say: G. You have a choice when you leave this hospital. You can continue drinking and you won’t be alive to see your 40th birthday. Or you quit and regain your liver function.
I know you don’t want to hear it but I have been there. You have to quit drinking or you will without a doubt get cirrhosis if you don’t have it already. You are extremely lucky to have got this last warning with that fibroscan result. Read some of the peoples stories on here. This is not something you want to have friend.
Hi, sorry you have cirrhosis, have you had any more fibro scans since your diagnosis? I’m interested to see if once confirmed, stiffness levels can decrease. While my own doctors now state likely moderate fibrosis, mine did state that unless they removed my liver and put it under a microscope, they would never fully know how much scarring was on my liver which I’m told if you have cirrhosis, the whole liver will be scarred over rather than just initial scarring which is fibrosis. It’s so confusing how they stage/grade things and how different causes of liver damage have different fibro scores to one another. My damage was caused by alcoholism and a very very poor diet combined,
I’ll echo above from all posts. I was hospitalised out the blue with decompensated cirrhosis. Unknowingly I had a fatty liver a few years earlier where my GP decided not to tell me. I’m not sure it would have stopped me drinking as the “ I’ll do it tomorrow “ attitude was a my mantra.
You’ve been given info and a heads up! It’s not easy as it’s a change in life style and. Break from your normal, but STOP now!
The questions and uncertainty you’ll be filled with is unpleasant.
My bloods were also normal until hospital.
If you have cirrhosis, the damage will only get worse if you continue the train of thought of one more drink!
I’ve stayed abstinent since diagnosis, never felt better only the odd day of over thinking this condition.
I think every one of us on here have asked that question at some time.
Put it this way.
Nobody dies from NOT drinking alcohol!
Hi, you be never had a Fibroscan so can't comment on scores but I went from being fine, hadn t seen a doctor for years, running around after my 3 kids plus running 2 preschools so fairly active, never drunk alcohol to suddenly out of the blue vomiting up nearly all the blood in my body, it took several years to get a diagnosis and ended up having a liver transplant. My lft bloods were always normal. You at least have had a warning, so can do something, give up or vastly cut down on alcohol, change your diet, eat healthy, increase your exercise. I wish I had known before it was too late.Good luck
Hilary ❤
Blood tests are often not helpful. Normal results does not mean ideal as normal means typical for a lab population. If you have liver issues, think twice about using alcohol or sugar or fructose.
Dear karebear_, I am sorry to hear about your health. Please advise if your GP have considered the Fibro Scan result. As far as my understanding goes your can have normal LFT test result with liver cirrhosis. Please avoid alcohol until you are sure. Do you have any other symptom?
Karebear, About your question about drinking.
I also struggle to stop (in my case) eating things that are not good for me and my poor liver in particular. I am trying talking to my liver! When you drink, try saying:
"I know you are poorly, and I am so worried about you, I cannot be well without you. But anyway, I am sending down this ... gin, wine, cake, chocolate... Deal with it."
We are so often somewhat addicted to these things. (Made so by the availability and advertising.) It's so easy to fool ourselves in the moment and go on doing these destructive things. But, saying what you are doing to your liver out loud to your liver, I think, brings it home to us exactly what we are doing to one of our dearest 'friends' who looks after us as best it can.
We would not say someting like this to a human friend.
If you cannot stop drinking when you are so worried, please join a group. You know the ones I mean. Be kind to yourself. Good luck. xx