I cancelled my appointment with the liver clinic on Friday as my exhaustion of late has been overwhelming and the idea of travelling less than 10 miles was unappealing. Fortunately I only have to wait one week for another appointment but I feel a bit pathetic and guilty for cancelling at the last minute.
Fatigue: I cancelled my appointment with... - British Liver Trust

I Completely understand the exhaustion. It's overwhelming. Dont beat yourself up about missing your appointmentment, you can't change yesterday so move forward and fingers crossed you will find enough energy within to travel to your appointment next week. I agree you are very lucky to have got another one so soon.
Best wishes
Exhaustion is sadly part of liver disease and we have to live with it and try our hardest. So, glad you managed to get another appointment - they are as rare as hens teeth so you've been lucky that way and you must absolutely make utmost effort to attend. Chronic fatigue has been my hubbies main symptom since day 1 and seeing his main liver consultant involves a 200 mile round trip for us and we often take our caravan over from SW Scotland to Edinburgh to facilitate the necessary rest after the journey.
Hopefully you can make it this next time & without laying it on too thick, compliance with and attendence at all medical appointments is a pre-requisite if transplant ever becomes a necessary option.
Best wishes, Katie
Does anyone have any suggestions to combat extream fatigue. I am about to join a gym . Going to have a go at exercising fatigue away . Sounds a bit strange but have read it can help .
Instead of the gym I opted for swimming. Swimming at a steady pace, slowly increasing how many lengths I do and it’s a full body workout. I am up to 70 lengths now but if I’m having a bad day with fatigue, I either skip it or do much less, but I don’t beat myself up over it. Afterwards you have a real sense of achievement and if I need a nap, I’ll take one!
I did it. I looked like death when I first walked in. Barley did anything for the first week. Making it there was part of the work out. Went even if I didn’t feel like going. Always felt better afterwards. It helped so many of my bodies other systems that were being ignored. Remember they all work together ie circular, lymphatic, respiratory nervous etc. made gains every week slight but noticeable to me. Energy level steadily increased. Still get fatigued just not as often. After six months, walking 12 miles a week, lifting heavy weights. Put on a lot of muscle mass. Thinking clearer. More motivation. Edema is gone. Only symptom left is ascites but under control with diet and diuretics. You can do it! Look for the little successes and the big ones will come. I’ll be praying for you.