How strick do we need to be?. I have been under my permitted limits of both sodium n fluid every day for 7 weeks, but today I'm probably 200ml over my 2ltr fluids. Does a one off day amount without going crazy affect anything major? Whilst on the subject, would one day slightly over the 2g sodium much harm?
Sodium n fluid restrictions - British Liver Trust
Sodium n fluid restrictions

Greetings. I would just try my best to have my intake lower than normal the following day or two. A “day” would be any 24 consecutive hours.
I’d shoot for a little less than the max amount on a regular basis, since it is often hard to measure the actual amounts consumed - especially if you leave home. 😯🤣
I’m not on a liquid restriction but do limit sodium.
I hope this helps. I’m not sure how sensitive slight variances would affect you, as it would vary on an individual basis. Best to ask your doctor.
I’m on the standard 2/2 rule - no more than 2L of fluid a day, and no more than 2K mg of sodium a day. Some days I go over on one or the other, but I try never to go over on both for more than a day. I don’t take diuretics and I don’t want to ever have to take them again if I can avoid it. I probably actually keep sodium around 1500mg a day, but I really have to monitor my fluid intake because I love to drink liquids because staying really hydrated helps me a lot.
I am restricted sodium, but never been told to restrict fluids. Do you also have issues with your kidneys?
Kidneys are fine. Have U and E bloods done every week always fine, ultrasound shows they are fine. I told both need to be restricted as too much fluid or too little can effect the amount of sodium in blood, worst case coma