No matter what I do my abdomen, legs and feet continue to swell. I would feel better if I could reduce them, but how?
Excess Fluid Retention : No matter what... - British Liver Trust
Excess Fluid Retention
Are you on diuretics star princess? Are you following a low salt diet?Does your medical specialist know about your ongoing battle with fluid?
Really this needs to be something your doctor has to know about and treat. Sometimes ascites/odema become diurtetic resistant and drains may be needed (for ascites in abdomen).
Hi you can try stopping salt ( absolutely no processed foods) high protein and calories are needed to pull the fluid back into the blood. Ascites is very uncomfortable so try eating little and often ( I started with a ramekin dish and ate , by the clock every 2 hours) . I hope you are taking Spironolactone and thiamine, you can elevate your legs when resting but you need to mobilise to help the circulation move the fluid. If you’re tummy is big ( get a measuring tape and a marker, you need to draw a line above and below the tape ( so you measure the same place every day) write it down and take measurements to your doctor so they can see the daily numbers; I did this every morning for 2 years and it really helped my consultant. Good luck
As others have suggested avoid salt, potassium supplements can get rid of salt.
But most important and totally counterintuitive to what you might think, Drink more water, at least 2 litres a day
As well as the good advice already given, when you are sitting down keep your legs raised higher than your hips. Don't sit for long periods though, you need to exercise and lose weight if needed.
Thank you, feet are elevated when seated. Problems arise when I try to stand, legs, as well as my abdomen, are so solid like trees all the way to my feet and toes, making walking and balance so difficult.
As I said in my earlier reply are you on diuretics at present and is your consultant aware of the current degree of your fluid build up? It might be that you need some addtional treatment.
I have this too deep massage helps a bit and no sugar or chocolate in my case, they seem to make it worse. I’ve read advice that moving at least every hour helps. Some days I have to use my walking stick to balance just to go to the loo. Others I can’t get up to go to loo for hours laying in pain. I think support stockings might help you and a support bandage. I’m kinda new to all this do not sure it’s only been since menopause a few years ago. Keep asking dr if they haven’t got time to help enough ask pharmacist some are really helpful it’s just getting there at a time that’s not busy if you can’t stand for long with the fluid retention
Best of luck, love to know how it resolves
Have you seen an oedema nurse? They may be able to measure you for some oedema support leggings. Not the most attractive item of clothing, the grandchildren called them grannies armadillo legs! But they did seem to help with the swelling.