how accurate is a liver mri for damage/ cirrhosis?
Liver mri: how accurate is a liver mri... - British Liver Trust
Liver mri

Very I could imagine I had 3 monetring 2 1cm legions also no change so now I have ultrasound every 6 months
In my opinion, accurate to diagnose cirrhosis or advanced fibrosis when there are already morphological changes, steatosis, iron overload, as well as focal lesions. Less accurate for less advanced degrees of fibrosis. With the exception of MRI with elastography that can better measure liver fibrosis.
Very, short of a biopsy its probably the best imaging you can get
With no other indication of liver disease (all prior tests are unremarkable according to your older posts) it's highly likely that an MRI will also be normal.The big question is that will you then accept you don't have cirrhosis or will you still be convinced something wrong even though tests say otherwise?
I did end up having an abdominal MRI. Not specifically to look for a liver disease, but to find out if there’s a reason behind my stomach pain and bloat. The liver read completely normal. I have course still being worried about liver disease and wonder again, how accurate it is and if there was some thing truly there, would it not miss it. I know I have huge health anxiety. I’m trying to get a handle on it, but it’s easier said than done!
for soft tissue there isn't really anything better than an MRI as far as I know(not a dr). Barring the mk 1 eye ball that is. Especially if its targeting a certain organ rather than broad look see.
My cirrhosis showed up clear as day on it and even ultrasound. Try get a handle on the anxiety, I know it easier said than done but really you do not want to have cirrhosis, and although there are a few outlying cases, it is very easy to find once being looked for. Remember the liver doesn't feel pain, so unless your liver is enlarged and impinging things, which is 100% visible on any imaging, never mind a physical exam, it's not a give away sign to cirrhosis or any other liver disease by itself, (although it can be for some other liver related conditions). But again they all show up on blood tests etc. Remember, other ailments are available, and it does no good going immediately for one of the more serious ones.
When you hear hooves think horses not zebras.