Met with consultant last Thursday. First time being assessed for transplant was mentioned since I was diagnosed with decompensated cirrhosis over 6 months ago.
Still on dueretics for ascities & started a course of carvedilol for portal hypertension. Haven’t had to be drained as yet but have been feeling like I’ll burst sometimes. I sympathise with anyone going through that at the moment. Just puts pressure on everything along with all the other symptoms we have to go through.
Phoned today to see what bloods are like from last week. Bloods have improved over the months and now they tell me my blood counts are normal apart from 2 liver ones but that they to are improving.
I am being sent for ultrasound for portal hypertension with doppler.
While very happy to hear about bloods today I’m left wondering about why transplant has been suggested given only 2 liver bloods are not within normal range but have been improving.
Has anyone experienced this, what was the outcome? If anyone can shed any light on it?
Thanks for reading. Much appreciated.