Can you have decompensated cirrhosis with normal blood test
Normal blood test : Can you have... - British Liver Trust
Normal blood test
I would say NO, decompensated cirrhosis is classified as thus because the liver is now failing. It is now struggling to be able to carry out it's most essential of jobs and these problems are likely to show in deranged bloods. The symptoms which lead to a classification of decompensated cirrhosis all occur due to problems with bloods - ascites arises due to lowered albumin, jaundice due to raised bilirubin, bleeding is likely to cause other issues in bloods, Hepatic Encephalopathy may be linked to elevated ammonia levels. Platelets lowered due to splenic enlargement. Slow blood clotting time. Knock on effects on kidneys and other organs so kidney function blood tests may show problems.
Thanks Katie.
I've woken up this morning with a really bad sore throat and headache and every morning I wake up saturated in sweet and I just seem to get worse each day
And really bad chest pain, the doctor sent me for another blood test today for my pancreas and liver
no - and I’m pretty sure you don’t have cirrhosis and your liver is probably fine from your last blood tests. Although I’m not a doctor - not that it matters.
why are you so determined to have it? As someone who nearly didn’t see last Christmas due to it, trust me it’s not something you should keep wishing you had.
I'm not determined to have it it's what my body is telling me

your body or mind? And no, this isn’t a flippant question.
To add. Compensated cirrhosis can give you normal blood results, but still shows on scans and other imaging. The key to decompensated is just that, it can’t compensate and one after one the house of cards comes falling down and things will definitely begin to show in bloods; there are blood tests other than a lft that would point to it too.
My body
Yes My blood tests have always beed normal yet have NAFLD
Half the country have NAFLD and don't know they have it.
My liver function blood tests were always within normal range right up till I had my transplant, only inr and platelets were extremely low. It took 4 years to get a diagnosis of NASH as bloods, scans were all fine but I had varicies and was vomiting up massive amounts of blood. I was such an unusual case my liver consultant had to consult several other consultants. Was told anything about compensated, uncompensated just went from being fine but vomiting up blood to you need a transplant.Hilary
Hillary is that latin
Who's hilary or is it Latin for cheerful